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FPS Creator X10 / [FPS X10 - Crash] - Runtime Error Game Build

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Location: France
Posted: 27th May 2011 20:52 Edited at: 28th May 2011 01:11

First post so I quickly introduce myself
I'm new to FPS X10; I am 49 years old (soon 50 ), French (and I speak really bad English, so I use Google Translation) since 1980 and this is what I do 3D (currently with C4D R12). I've created maps for Doom, Duke Nukem, Unreal and Quake and I fiddled with Unity 3D Free.
My setup is in the signature.
FPS X10 version 1.11 (TEEN)
SPF I also X10 FPSC Model Packs X10 # 3, 5, 10, 24, 34 and 55

My problem:
- FPS X10 works well until the creation of the executable game (Game Build Executable)
- FPS X10 crash with the message: "RUNTIME ERROR! Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way..."
However, I have the C + + library installed!

The test map is very simple:
- a light base (Markers - White Light)
- 1 piece base (Prefabs - Amoury small)
- 1 marker starting point for the player (Markers - Start Player)
Test via the "Test Level" is ok.

An idea of the problem?

Thank you

Edit: Message file error
PathToEXE=D:\The Game Creators\FPS Creator X10\Files\CrashOn_05_25_11.txt
m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD=Internal Code:11016

FPS X10 PC ASUS N53S CG GeForce GT550M Intel i7 2630QM 2.0Ghz Ram 6Go DirectX11 & DirectX10 Win 7 x64 Familly Edition Visual C++ Redist 2005 2008 2010


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Joined: 24th May 2011
Location: France
Posted: 28th May 2011 01:51
My message disappeared ...

Hmm ... I think I destroyed my post by mistake add the log file error!!!

I'll try to rewrite it.

Excuse me



I'm new, French, 49 years and I use the wrong editor of the forum ...

I created a simple test map with FPSC X10.
The test level is working well.
By cons, when creating the executable of the game, I crash with an error message.

Message: "Runtime Error! This application runtime to terminate Traitement The year it in usual way."
But I installed the library Microsoft Visual C + +!

The log is attached.
PathToEXE = D: \ The Game Creators \ FPS Creator X10 \ Files \ CrashOn_05_25_11.txt
m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD = Internal Code: 11016
m_dwRuntimeErrorLineDWORD = 27332

Test map:
- 1 white light
- a basic room - Armoury Small Prefab
- 1 point for the player - Player Start

An idea of the problem?
My setup is in the signature.

Thank you in advance for your help.

FPS X10 PC ASUS N53S CG GeForce GT550M Intel i7 2630QM 2.0Ghz Ram 6Go DirectX11 & DirectX10 Win 7 x64 Familly Edition Visual C++ Redist 2005 2008 2010


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EyEpatch Games
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Joined: 24th Jun 2011
Location: Australia
Posted: 5th Jul 2011 16:44
I had a similar thing happen to me when I was building a level on x9, it turned out my only problem was I had a space between the last word of the game title and the .exe so it looked like this [my game example .exe] fixed by this [my game example.exe] if you have no space then I apologize for wasting your time

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