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2D All the way! / 2D game Pong problem...

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Joined: 1st Jun 2011
Posted: 1st Jun 2011 13:13
Hi there.
Im very new to this programming world, and just started making programs. the problem I have got now is a compilor error telling me:

"unresolved external symbol "public: __ thiscall player1::player1(void) refered in fuction "void __cdec1 darkGDK (void)"

usually my compiler errors are easy fix, but this one i dont understand.. Ive been trying to figure this out for some ohurs now, so i wuld really appriciate some help here!

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Joined: 10th Oct 2009
Location: Australia
Posted: 2nd Jun 2011 11:18
Hi, are you using DBPro or DarkGDK?, looks like DarkGDK. If you are using DarkGDK you may get more help in the DarkGDK board.

If you are using DBPro, please post your code or the part of your code you think is going wrong (a long with all relevant functions, variables etc). It's very hard for anyone to help you just on an error message alone.

A clever person solves a problem, a wise person avoids it - Albert Einstein
Years of Service
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Joined: 1st Jun 2011
Posted: 2nd Jun 2011 13:55
I just posted it on the DarkGDK board. I might have to post my code along.

thanks for help.

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