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FPS Creator X10 / Game Level Sytle Quick questions???

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Posted: 1st Jun 2011 15:17 Edited at: 1st Jun 2011 15:56
Hey all im new to the Fps scene .
just a few quick questions.. ive laid out a plan of action on wat kinda game i wanna try to make. but i need to know is it possible to have certin things done .. ive read the guide cover to cover but while i found it very helpful for bits i didnt know i couldnt for the life of me find wat i needed.

ive also searched the forums but for something like this people i think may call it different things

firstly. LEVEL's
Id like to have a game that runs like (as in location to location wise ) like fallout . for example if you in the main area and u want to go into say a Lab room that you would need detail in rather then have everything loading and rendering .. you would have a basic then when u enter the lab ud get a loading screen then a single room lab with alot of detail.

hope that makes sence..

oh and ud have to be able to go back and forth between them.

and second just looking for a bit of advise..
rather then detailing every custom item i wanna model and texture from the start would it be better to do abasic poly block in grey and then place it and do all the level then go back and flesh it out later.

Hoping for a reply.


Live Fast Or Die Trying
Le Shorte
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Posted: 1st Jun 2011 18:38
Quote: "Id like to have a game that runs like (as in location to location wise ) like fallout . for example if you in the main area and u want to go into say a Lab room that you would need detail in rather then have everything loading and rendering .. you would have a basic then when u enter the lab ud get a loading screen then a single room lab with alot of detail."

Unfortunately, this feature cannot be done with FPSCx10. x9 does have RPG Mod, which allows this.

Quote: "rather then detailing every custom item i wanna model and texture from the start would it be better to do abasic poly block in grey and then place it and do all the level then go back and flesh it out later."

If you mean just leave a cube as a placeholder for items, I'd say no. You never know if you'd go over the poly limit if you have a cube which is a placeholder for, say, a 500 poly item!

Cheesehead for life.
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Posted: 1st Jun 2011 18:49
@Le Shorte

thank you very much for the information ill look up that RPG mod for X9 so i will. i havent bought x10 yet as i was worried it didnt have this feature. ill see if i can find the mod for x9 and test it with a mate of mine who has x9 . if it works that would suit me to the ground.

Quote: "If you mean just leave a cube as a placeholder for items, I'd say no. You never know if you'd go over the poly limit if you have a cube which is a placeholder for, say, a 500 poly item!"

so place a large poly item there for testing poly limits .. nice idea i wouldnt of thought of that. excellent thank you so much.

on a side note could it be possible that in the future a rpg mod will be made for the X10 version of FPSC?


Live Fast Or Die Trying
Le Shorte
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Joined: 6th Apr 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posted: 2nd Jun 2011 03:01
Well, Flatlander (the developer of RPG Mod) has been banned from the forums, though is continuing work on RPG Mod for x9.
So, unfortunately, it definitely won't be coming to x10. (though, never say never...)

Cheesehead for life.

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