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FPS Creator X10 / {Bug} Zombies moving but not moving?

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Posted: 11th Jun 2011 17:12
Hi guys, when i put in the zombie doctor from model pack 2, and the zombie nurse from model pack 4, they move in their place, not move around the room, but if i get close to them they attack and everything but they move in their place HELP ME PLS!
ThoughtWire Software
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Posted: 11th Jun 2011 19:42
They could be stuck in the floor, try placing them slightly above ground.

Hope this helps!

ThoughtWire Software -
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Posted: 11th Jun 2011 20:01
sorry man, tried that, i pressed the enter key, they got raised up a bit, but still moves in the same place when playing the game
ThoughtWire Software
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Posted: 11th Jun 2011 20:22
Hmmm, I'm sorry beyond that I don't know. I personally don't have model pack 2. It could be something to with using it in X10. But I don't think so.

Sorry, again.

ThoughtWire Software -
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Posted: 11th Jun 2011 20:51
all the other characters from model pack 2 and model pack 4 move around, but only the zombie entities have this problem
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Posted: 13th Jun 2011 17:35
Quote: "sorry man, tried that, i pressed the enter key, they got raised up a bit, but still moves in the same place when playing the game"

While selected use the PgUp key to raise them a little above the ground.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2011 18:18
Also, what floor are you using? For whatever reason, some characters have issues on some floors. Try changing the floor and see if it helps.


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Posted: 13th Jun 2011 19:47
actually i got it fixed just now! the problem was with the Zombie script, i used the "darkai.fpi" script and now them move very normal! thx for trying to help!
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Posted: 16th Jun 2011 16:26
wait guys, the darkai script works but takes away all the animations and they don't attack! as well as making them slide across the floor when i hit them.

I use FPSC x10, does that have anything to do with this? i want to use the zombie scripts, other wise they look like trash!
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Posted: 17th Jun 2011 18:17 Edited at: 17th Jun 2011 18:20
u going to have to adjust the dark ai script to make it play the animations specific to the characters, thats wat i had to do with model pack 17 egyptian characters to make them use dark ai (thnx again errant ai for getting me through that!)

*edit* well thats wat i think anyway, could be wrong

Najoko Entertainment

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