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Code Snippets / [DBP] - 2D Trajectory Projectile w/Gravity and Wind Effects...

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Joined: 10th Feb 2010
Posted: 15th Jun 2011 17:16 Edited at: 15th Jun 2011 23:50
[EDIT]I could have sworn I clicked [GDK]... How do I change it?[/EDIT]

A fellow user has inquired about some 2D physics in action. Particularly regarding 2D Trajectory of shooting projectiles.

This snippet declares a Projectile class that handles Gravity and Wind effects during its traversal through space.

When running, click (and hold) the Left mouse to identify a starting point - marked by an "X", and drag the mouse. The position of the mouse when you *release* the mouse click determines the direction and velocity of the projectile.

Any angle between 0.000001f and 179.999999f will have gravity impact the shot in a negative manner (to help reflect boyancy(?)) of the projectile; whereas an angle between 180.0f and 360.0f will have gravity impact the shot in a positive (read: normal) manner.

I know it's a long snippet of code, but I believe it's very well commented and (hopefully) it will help others too...


Edit: Fixed the href link...

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