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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Bitmap Fonts, Fonts, Pixel level Sprite Collision, Decent String Commands, Database commands, Arrays and Types

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 09:52
To what degree will AppGameKit support each of the above?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 10:33
Quote: "Bitmap Fonts"

A while ago Lee said that AGk uses bitmap fonts but I don't know the full story with AppGameKit and bitmap fonts.

Quote: "Pixel level Sprite Collision"

I'm assuming this means pixel perfect sprite collision? Anyway I asked this question earlier and here are Lee's words:
Quote: "No pixel perfect collision unless you code it yourself by reading the image detecting the ray of intersection A better way is to use the Box2D polygon wrap test as it's much quicker and more useful in a game scenario more often than not."

But like Lee said Box2d's collision commands should be more than enough. Rarely is pixel perfect collision absolutely necessary.

Quote: "Decent String Commands"

That's really ones opinion but if you get Tier 2 then you can use C++ string class/commands etc. Don't know how 'decent' they are in Tier 1.

Quote: "Database Commands"

Current list of commands revealed to us

Hope that helps...

Quote: "Arrays and Types"

I have heard that AppGameKit Tier 1 will support arrays within types and the same as what we see in DBPro.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 13:30
@ Hodgey,

Thanks - that was indeed very helpful.

Upon reflection, the collision plugin that is coming with AppGameKit will be fine.

I'd definitely want to get this AppGameKit, program stuff on the PC and then move it over to the cheepo Android 2.2 touchpad I have.

Presuming if I started programming stuff (notwithstanding not yet on Android but will be later) I could later transpose over?

Hadn't thought of it to now - but what about plugin support? Also, anything on 3d?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 18:58 Edited at: 12th Jul 2011 19:02
The Bitmap Font support I think is really good. PRoF's Bitmap Font Creator makes a perfect tileset image that you can use for AGK. You create a text file to go along with the font image that specifies placement, width, and height of each character. It's easy to set up and works really well.

The Box2D collision is awesome.

There are no database commands.

There are basic string commands. (left, right, mid, asc, chr, len, val)

I haven't tested the arrays within types, but types and arrays work exactly the same as DBPro.

No plugin support for Tier 1.

Nothing on 3D yet.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 21:03
@ KISTech,

Yeah - got Prof's helpful utility already - together with Sven's plugin for Bitmap fonts, it's a godsend.

Noted re rest.

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...

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