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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Is AGK compatible with first generation Ipod Touch?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 08:04
Hi all.
I'd like to know if the code generated by AppGameKit in tier 2 and the AppGameKit player in tier 1 are supported by the first generation iPod touch. If not, what is the iPod/iPhone minimum specs to run it?
Thanks in advance.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 19:36
Good question
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Location: Aloha, Oregon
Posted: 20th Aug 2011 20:00
There was something about that in another thread. Lee was trying to make sure that AppGameKit could support iOS prior to 4.3, but I don't know if that worked.

What version is your iPod running?

The AppGameKit should be running fine on 3rd and 4th gen. Possibly 2nd gen as well. If you haven't picked up anything yet, try and get your hands on at least 3rd gen. Used 3rd and 4th gen ones are out there for decent prices. I got my used 4th gen for $120.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 00:26
Wait are you saying agk may not work with 4.2.1?

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 06:10
At this point I don't know. I can't find that other thread, and I don't have a 1st gen device to test it on.

Given that 5th gen devices are coming VERY soon, the days of 1st gen device's are likely numbered. I'm sure Apple would like to see them go away so they can sell more of the new stuff.

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 19:08
I can confirm it works with 2nd gen iPod Touch, and I think Lee compiled the interpreter with 3.2 so that it would work with 1st gen as well.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 13:35
Hey! thanks to all for the replies.
My first generation iPod Touch is out-to-date (3.2.1 I think)... I only use it for some old little games but the touchscreen fault sometimes... maybe it's the moment to buy another iPod more "modern"

Thanks to all!
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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 03:01
I also have a first generation iPod and it's a shame to allow it to go to waste. Currently we're building against 3.2 which excludes the operating system 3.1.3. We would need to built an AppGameKit Player specific to this older OS. Once the AppGameKit Player is on App Store we will look at the demand for first generation iPod's in the community, and see what we can do.

I drink tea, and in my spare time I write software.
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Posted: 12th Sep 2011 00:34
I have an old ipod using 3.1.3 and I can confirm that it does not work. Just get a crash after the loading screen

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