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Posted: 29th Jan 2012 12:56
@Anayar : Thanks for you great advice and of course that I will try to fix these lights, but some rooms will be little darker, some little bit more lighter. I am just curious what to do, should I improve ambience level because now it is on 0 or should I improve light markers ?

Also I edited the whole first post and you should notice that the game name is "Lonesome Killer" not "Partemons" also you should look to new story and pics that I changed.
Also I wanted to say to all of you that every single person in game will have something like different datapad. I just wanted to make some difference. Down you can see picture from official datapad of the spaceship.
What do you think ?

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Posted: 29th Jan 2012 15:03
Wow,I like that HUD mate.It so awsome.

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Posted: 29th Jan 2012 20:04
@Leongamerz : Thanks mate I am trying to make everything just right for everyone
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2012 12:27
Hello everyone.
Here is new little update about progress and I have a few pictures for you.
Also I want to say that I opened twitter profile to every of you who want to know every progress about game and to first know every new update. I hope that someone of you will follow!/UnivisionStudio

Also I finished level two and now I am going to level 3. First three levels will be prologue and we are going to chapter one.
Pictures now, follow on twitter and comment here on pictures. Thanks!

Cross Hair Games
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2012 22:07
Looks awesome! how do you get such good graphics in a test game? In mine the character, models and all are always pixalated and never have smooth lines. And the lighting in mine are always way to bloomed out in the center but weak everywhere else

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Posted: 5th Feb 2012 13:13
Nice project. I like the dark eeriness, and IMO its a shame you increased the brightness.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2012 16:02
@Cross Hair Games : Thanks mate for compliment. That is all about your setup file. Try to mix something in it and you will have good results.

@JRH : Thank you very much. I didn't increased brightness, just some rooms are little bit more lighter. The dark atmosphere is still there, you will see it

New pictures from third level will be shown today, stay tunned
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Posted: 6th Feb 2012 15:38 Edited at: 6th Feb 2012 20:39
Now I even opened my own site, so you can find more informations on the site.!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2012 20:45
I changed website and as I promised before here are new picture from third level. Hope you like them and make some comments

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Posted: 14th Feb 2012 17:27
Any comments on these pictures up ?
Also I will soon upload gameplay video of third level to show you little bit this game.

One more thing, if you want to donate to our studio and this project you can do that on this site :
I would be very grateful to every of you who donate, thanks.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2012 02:18
Finally new update to you guys.
Video showing third level in action, hope you enjoy and for better view watch video in full screen on youtube
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Posted: 11th Mar 2012 00:38
Another video showing game in some action, any comments from you guys ?
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Posted: 12th Mar 2012 02:33
Very nice Beno09 I think you should make some normal maps and stuff for the segments and use some shaders on them it would make it look much better.

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 02:17
I liked it before and like it even more now.

Even without all those fancy shaders this still has bags of atmosphere and a great look.

All the very best of luck with this Beno09.

Ps- I haven't forgotten about the Huds but I am simply far too busy at the moment but when I get a chance I will try to get something together for you if you still want me to.
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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 02:26
Quote: "Very nice Beno09 I think you should make some normal maps and stuff for the segments and use some shaders on them it would make it look much better.

Thanks but I will probably stay at this level because I like it. Anyway thanks for suggestion.

Quote: "I liked it before and like it even more now.

Even without all those fancy shaders this still has bags of atmosphere and a great look.

All the very best of luck with this Beno09.

Ps- I haven't forgotten about the Huds but I am simply far too busy at the moment but when I get a chance I will try to get something together for you if you still want me to."

Thank you very much Ross and yes I want to stay at this level of graphics and create unique atmoshphere, thanks again.
When you catch up some time try to do it and will put it in my game, it would be honor for sure

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Posted: 13th Mar 2012 04:39
Keep up the good work.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2012 02:11
Quote: "Keep up the good work."

Thanks mate

Also, soon I will upload a new big video showing game in action for 9-10 minutes.
Another update is that the game in future will have own and exclusive models

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Posted: 18th Mar 2012 23:24 Edited at: 18th Mar 2012 23:25
Here is another video, it is only devs diary there is no gameplay but it is interesting and it's showing game directly into FPSC.

Ross tra damus
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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 02:34 Edited at: 20th Mar 2012 02:35
Very good video which explains (and shows) other users of how to 'construct' a level map using many of the features available in FPSC.
Thanks for taking the time to display this and BTW your English is very good.
All the best of luck to you.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 12:58
Quote: "Very good video which explains (and shows) other users of how to 'construct' a level map using many of the features available in FPSC.
Thanks for taking the time to display this and BTW your English is very good.
All the best of luck to you."

Thanks mate,tha was in my plans, to explain to people what I'm doing and to show this great engine FPSC to everyone.
Oh thanks for English.
It will be more Devs Diares soon, but first today I will upload big video in 10 minutes showing two levels in the game

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Posted: 20th Mar 2012 19:26
And new video is here, please if you watch him comment, it would be very useful if something in the game isn't correct.


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Posted: 22nd Mar 2012 01:37
Anyone watched the video ?

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2012 02:26
I did very nice job and talking liking the looks of the game very much

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2012 01:57
Excellent work on the latest video Beno09 and thanks for taking the time to capture it and preview it here.
It shows just how much can be accomplished when time is taken to set maps/lighting up correctly.
As I have said before I like the overall feel of the game and also the interaction the player has with information Huds found in the game.
This is one of the few projects that I would like to see get finished.

All the best of luck.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 02:31
Quote: "I did very nice job and talking liking the looks of the game very much"

Thanks mate!

Quote: "Excellent work on the latest video Beno09 and thanks for taking the time to capture it and preview it here.
It shows just how much can be accomplished when time is taken to set maps/lighting up correctly.
As I have said before I like the overall feel of the game and also the interaction the player has with information Huds found in the game.
This is one of the few projects that I would like to see get finished.

All the best of luck."

Thanks again Ross for great comments!

But I have sad news now guys. I decided to move to UDK and this project for FPSC will be stopped and canceled. I already started some work in UDK on this same game, maybe I will update this thread later when I decide to show you some work.
Thanks everyone for support on this project, this don't mean that I will leave community yet, I will stay for some time and try to give some free stuffs to all of you, like 3D models.

Thanks again to everyone!

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 13:53

Sorry to hear the news but you gotta do what you gotta do and I wish you all the best of luck for the future.

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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 14:44

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Posted: 28th Mar 2012 20:11
Quote: "Sorry to hear the news but you gotta do what you gotta do and I wish you all the best of luck for the future.


But hey I will maybe come back later and do some work, I must do this for community, I owe to all of you guys. So I must finish one game in FPSC because it's great engine and we also have great community here.
Thanks Ross for your comments, I appreciate that.

Quote: "What do you think of UDK? "

Firstly, I thinked that it's little bit more complicated engine but it isn't. Of course if you want to create great game with great features you must learn how to work in Kismet and learn Unreal script. In just two days I set up with engine and with engine's beginners stuffs. Now I'm learning some more advancement stuffs and I need to give some more time to it. In few months I will show to community what I done until that time.
Thanks Landman for your comment, also keep good work on your game Metal Jacket, i'm following your progress

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Posted: 31st Mar 2012 10:09
@Beno9, I had to change the name of Metal Jacket because of copyright infringement. I should have done my research long before hand. Its called Robolegs now... which I think suits the more arcade-like gamplay Im going for.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2012 22:58 Edited at: 1st Apr 2012 22:59
Thanks for info Ladman, I will be watching your game.

I know that this is not FPSC related but as I promised earlier that I will show you my first work in UDK and here is my first work. This will not be used in any game, I'm just playing with it and learning new things. I created some stuff through tutorial. When I decide to start work on Lonesome Killer in UDK, I will post the link where I will update work on game.

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2012 05:25
Very nice I tried following that same tutorial but some reason my UDK was missing some models so I was unable to complete

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2012 11:06
Quote: "Very nice I tried following that same tutorial but some reason my UDK was missing some models so I was unable to complete

My UDK was also missing a lot of models, but I putted some others and we have good result now

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2012 15:41

Holy cow that's awesome man.You have move your level design practice to UDK and that's make me proud of you.Well I hope you will not leave FPSC hehe.I still can't used UDK since my windows 7 got problem or (maybe UDK problem).I wish you luck in future mate.

Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,Rolfy,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2012 20:25
Quote: "Hi

Holy cow that's awesome man.You have move your level design practice to UDK and that's make me proud of you.Well I hope you will not leave FPSC hehe.I still can't used UDK since my windows 7 got problem or (maybe UDK problem).I wish you luck in future mate."

Hello to my old mate. Thanks for comment, FPSC and community here learned me how to be good at level design. Of course that I will not leave FPSC, will do probably one more project later. UDK is really great engine and thanks again mate.
As I don't want to spam anymore on this thread because it's not FPSC related, you can catch up my latest work on this scene here :
I will soon post some more pictures

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2012 02:16
Wow those are some amazing pictures! I gave up on UDK because I need a group of people to build a true game in it and no one I know has the knowledge to help me or is willing to so till that day I will practice on story writing and level design in fpsc. I am about to start a project that I will not let get canceled like all my others.

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2012 02:24
Quote: "Wow those are some amazing pictures! I gave up on UDK because I need a group of people to build a true game in it and no one I know has the knowledge to help me or is willing to so till that day I will practice on story writing and level design in fpsc. I am about to start a project that I will not let get canceled like all my others."

Thanks! I'm working alone in UDK, and i'm planing to stay in that way. I will try to do whole game alone in UDK ( it will be Lonesome Killer in UDK ). FPSC is for sure very good engine, you can practice your level design a lot ( see my results in UDK, I worked in FPSC for more than one year ). I will follow your project and see what you have in your mind.

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Posted: 4th Apr 2012 03:16
Dang well good luck on that Beno09 as of right now a can not think of a decent storyline for a game...

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