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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Tier2 Xcode - Entitlements.plist

AGK Backer
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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 18:29
Whilst everything works fine, I am always getting this Warning: The Copy Bundle Resources build phase contains this target's Info.plist file 'mygame-Info.plist'.

mygame is the name of my project.

If I set the Entitlements.plist as suggested by the Apple docs, like this:

I get more serious errors about the Bundle identifier, which I have no will and strength to deal with!

What am I doing wrong, or is this type of error acceptable?

As i said, it works for AdHoc distrubution, but I don't want to get stuck when in the near future I will have to make a real Distribution build to submit to the App Store.
AGK Backer
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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 20:18
The Copy Bundle Error had nothing to do with Entitlements.plist

I removed mygame-Info.plist from my resources and the error went away.
template-info.plist was originally included in the xcode template so maybe tgc might want to fix this.
1 error less.

Still I would like to know if I should leave entitlements.plist as is, as in the xcode template or set it like the apple help suggests, but then, how to solve the bundle identifier errors?
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 8th Sep 2011 15:06
When submitting your app to Apple ensure that entitlements.plist is not referred to within your build settings.
AGK Backer
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Posted: 8th Sep 2011 20:11
Thanks for clarifying.

Is there any other particular file I should leave out, when eventually making a final submission to the app store?

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