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AppGameKit Classic Chat / is there a site for custom sprites to be made?

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Posted: 7th Sep 2011 05:54
im getting pretty far with my first game for the ipad, and think its time to get some real sprites in other then stick figures... does anyone knwo where i can go to get custom sprites and possibly background done for a reaonable price. googled and nothing but garbage sites show up.


Deion G.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2011 10:35
I can do some graphics for you..depends on difficulty...I'm very experienced but have a limited amount of time.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2011 21:51
I would really like to see 2D sprite packs available in the Game Store.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2011 07:49
Just to let you know I would do them for free and mention in the credits.[email]yahoo at jesseredman dot com[/email]
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Posted: 8th Sep 2011 17:32
i dont mind paying, though i did find a ton of sprites from a membership at animation factory. however i do need the background game level to be done, basically i'm making a game much like virtual villagers games, but a little different. and need a background of my own, that doesnt really have water because it would be a desert area. but with these in mind attached is the backgrounds for the 5 virtual villager games, would pay to get a good quality background deserty with little patches of grass here and there, size 1679 x 1677. i know to do a good quality background could take some time hence why i dont mind paying.

Deion G.


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Posted: 8th Sep 2011 21:22
Contact me. I might be able to help you. It looks like it would be a fun project. My email address was listed above. It is in correct order. It is not @yahoo but starts with yahoo.

- JR

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