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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Force vs rotation question

Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 9th Sep 2011 00:11
I'm making a break-out type game, the ball is hitting the bricks, the physics looks good. But... when I let the ball rotate, it loses a lot of its speed, eventually slowing down to nothing, just rotating in place.

Is there something I can do to keep the moving, but still allow it to rotate? I tried damping the rotation, but the ball still slows down. I tried a restitution of > 1, but that leads to crazy ball speeds.

Any thoughts?

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Posted: 9th Sep 2011 01:01
Have you tried just using SetSpriteAngle to rotate the sprite rather than using the physics commands? You could base the rotation rate based on the velocity of the ball so the faster it moves the faster it rotates, which would probably look good enough.
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 9th Sep 2011 01:09
Well, I want to keep my hands off the actual force/rotation values, I'm letting the physics handle all that.

I suspect that the ball will just slow down if its hitting something while the ball is rotating. So, I'll probably just turn off the ball rotation. It occasionally slows down from hitting the bricks while its NOT rotating, depending on the angle, etc. I'm going to give the ball a bit of a restitution bump and see how the gameplay goes.

Thanks for the response!

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