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AppGameKit Classic Chat / IA and shaders in AGK

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Joined: 17th Aug 2011
Posted: 9th Sep 2011 22:10
GDK and Dark AI and Dark brings dark shader future it may also added to AppGameKit?
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Joined: 17th Sep 2008
Posted: 9th Sep 2011 22:58
Don't know if you'll find many phones or tablets with shader support at the moment.

The PC (and presuambly Mac) will support them, but if that's your target market, you're probably better off using something other than AppGameKit if you want lots of graphical bells and whistles.
TGC Lead Developer
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Location: England
Posted: 11th Sep 2011 00:23
No plans for shader commands at present. We will be exploring them as we move closer to our 3D support, as shaders can play a big part in 2D games. Our technology is based on OpenGL which will support shaders on some current platforms, and all future platforms, so it's a subject we'll visit again in the near future.

I drink tea, and in my spare time I write software.
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Joined: 17th Aug 2011
Posted: 12th Sep 2011 18:09
thanks for the answers

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