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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Island defence - WIP

The Zoq2
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Posted: 9th Sep 2011 22:52 Edited at: 10th Sep 2011 21:32

Since the release of AppGameKit I have been working on a game called Island defence and I think im about ready to start a WIP thread and release a demo/alpha version. The concept is the same as a unreleased game I made in DBP a while ago.

The goal of the game is to defend a Island againtst an infinite amount of ships that spawn outside the screen and then drives towards the island. The player has a helicopter currently only armed with rockets and is suposed to prevent the enemy ships from reaching the island. So far there are 2 kinds of ships one "Patroll boat", a small and fast boat that will get destroyed by one rocket. The other ship is a bigger ship perhaps a destroyer. They arn't as fast as the smaller but it takes 4-5 rockets to kill them.

When I started this project I wanted to make a game for my iPod and theirfore the helicopter is controlled by a on screen joystick. But as the develompent continued I realised that the game works just as good on the PC but using the space button instead of the on screen fire button.

Anyway here are some screenshots...

= Done
= Working on
= Not started

To do list
Basic gameplay

Explosions when the rockets hit something
Moving clouds
Publish to iOS appstore

Nicer menus
More weapons
Increasing shipspawning rate over time

Possible features
Multiplayer were one player is the gunner of the heli
Moving water
Android version

Edit the download has been atatched to this post

Edit The download has been updated to fix the resolustion issue!

Allso, can we publish to iOS via TGC yet because it would be realy awsome to have the game in the appstore!

Srry about my english im from sweeden


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Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 00:39
If its for iphone so do i belive that all your sprites are to small ?
Would be hard to se everything on an small screen?

Think out of the box when it comes to mobile phone games!

But an good start to have something upp and running with the agk
The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 01:51
Since I have a jailbroken ipod I have been able to test the game and it works pretty well even though the sprites are so amall

Srry about my english im from sweeden
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 12:58
I only have an android phone and havent tested yet how the agk works on smaller devices

I whas my first impression that they where extremely small ?

But if you have tested it on an ipod and it works so keep them.

I made some games in java for my android phone and noticed that you have to almost double the sprite size, to not get tired in your eyes when playing for a while.

Let us know of the progress later on.
The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 15:10
I did have to dubble the joystick and buttons from the original version that I made to the size shown i these screens. I may actualy make the game zoom in on the heli but then you would loose the overview...

Srry about my english im from sweeden
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 15:27 Edited at: 10th Sep 2011 15:50
Quote: "I did have to dubble the joystick and buttons from the original version that I made to the size shown i these screens."

I think the joystick and button look too big in the pictures and were not close enough to the corners, bu that is just me.

I'll try it and see.

This is fun, but a little tricky for the keyboard.
This will be great for the phones, especially when you finish adding the other stuff.

Keep up the good work.

Here is a thought...maybe there could be an aircraft carrier that launches a few planes or choppers.
That way, you would have something shooting at the chopper for it to evade and deal with.
Maybe that could be a later level or something.
Just a thought.

Quote: "But there is a werid bug, the window dosn't adept to the landscape shuld be in landscapemode from the beginning but instad it fills the mainmenu in a protrait size window and then cutts the game down to fit within the small window... Does anyone have a fix for this."

Yeah, your download is missing the setup.agc file
You need that to set the resolution, and also set the virtual resolution in the main.agc to match that size.
Then your landscape mode should work right.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 10th Sep 2011 17:18
Thanks for the comment, I have thought abot something like a Carrier but it would be pretty hard to defend the island and deal with enemies at the same time!

Quote: "Yeah, your download is missing the setup.agc file"

Thanks for the info, I will update the download tonight!

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 11th Sep 2011 15:49
Had some fun with your graphics:

Let me know if you want some better graphics made. I think this would make a good steam-punk looking game.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 11th Sep 2011 16:41
Dang it Josh, you beat me to it.
I had the same idea but hadn't sat down to do it yet.


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Posted: 11th Sep 2011 17:57
THAT's no moon!

I drink tea, and in my spare time I write software.
The Zoq2
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Posted: 11th Sep 2011 18:00 Edited at: 11th Sep 2011 18:01
That's realy nice, could be a fun feature to change "texturepacks"!

Thanks for the idea

Allso, it looks like you can see the clouds in that image, for some reason mine dosn't show up...

Srry about my english im from sweeden
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 11th Sep 2011 20:57
Quote: "Allso, it looks like you can see the clouds in that image, for some reason mine dosn't show up..."

You see the clouds because its an black background!

You simply have to much transparency on your images if you cant make them more visible in agk.

Adjust the alpha level inside agk instead of in your images the next time.
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Posted: 12th Sep 2011 01:21
Lee your darth vader you know exactly what that moon is its a death star lol.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2011 02:25
Here's a vid:

The blade texture sheet was a little confusing, I wasn't sure how you had that with the heli graphic.

Also the clouds I didn't even realize they were there until I made the backdrop black.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 12th Sep 2011 09:11
Do you mean shrapnel 2, in that case I didn't even know it was there!

Srry about my english im from sweeden

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