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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Game window hides itself

Rich Dersheimer
AGK Developer
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Joined: 1st Jul 2009
Location: Inside the box
Posted: 10th Sep 2011 17:51
I'm not sure it's a bug, but whenever I start up AppGameKit, the very first time I build, broadcast and run a program, the game starts, but then after a second or two, the compiler window gets focus and pops to the front, hiding the game window. It only happens the first time I run the game, then not again until I've quit and restarted AGK.

I've tried changing a few settings in the compiler, tool tips, highlighting, etc.

I hesitate to report this as a bug, my gut feeling is that it's something local to my machine/environment.

But is anybody else seeing this behavior?

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Joined: 17th Sep 2008
Posted: 10th Sep 2011 20:17
Yeah, I've had this on a fairly regular basis. It's not just the first time I compile the game either.

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