Hi Renny,
Long time, no chat. Glad to see you are still around and hope all goes well for you and your family.
To answer your question, when you make a map and save it, the format is in FPM. However, for others to use that map, they will also need the media that you use. Otherwise, what happens is when they go to load that map, any media that you have used that they do not have will get logged into a log file where the fpm file is located and it tells them what media is missing from their end.
You can't distribute the media if it is from any paid model packs. You can specify in a readme file what you did use to build the map so those you want to pass the map to can purchase themselves. If it is free media, just direct them to the free media (packs, segments, etc) that you used and they can grab it themselves and install. This will save you headaches in the long run, and no one can complain you've distributed media without permission.
Twitter: @NFoxMedia