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AppGameKit Classic Chat / XML and Extended File Functions in Tier1

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Joined: 20th May 2011
Location: Wisconsin
Posted: 14th Sep 2011 08:05
This is probably the biggest thing that is holding me back from purchasing AppGameKit, is the fact that there is currently no 'good' way to load mass amounts of data into the application.

Will XML be supported eventually in AppGameKit Tier1? I understand the language is supposed to be 'BASIC', but the default loading commands are extremely lacking and would be a pain to deal with, especially with extensive big projects.

That, and that there is no built-in 'split' command, which kinda sucks as well.

Hi there. My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2011 09:40
Put your requests here to be official...

I don't see why that stops you, you can still store data and unless you are just releasing on Windows a big project usually isn't for phones.

If you do split you must also do join

Put your requests up, I am sure that the team could add your functionality with ease.

App Game Kit (A.G.K.) - Want to be creative on many platforms at once? This is the tool you need.

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