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AppGameKit Classic Chat / GraviFlyer made with AGK now released and available in iTunes sore!

Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 14:32 Edited at: 15th Sep 2011 15:15
Hi guys! Just got the message from apple that GraviFlyer is up and running on the store. Took me approx. 5 days to develop with the great AppGameKit! Thank you TGC guys, you opened up a complete new world of possibilities....!!!!

Here comes the link to it:

Screenshots attached.

Have fun with AppGameKit!!!


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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 14:59
Well done and congratulations!!!

Was this built using Tier 1 or 2?

Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 15:02
Thanks Red! Was built by using Tier 1. Completely in AppGameKit basic.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 15:20
Even better - top marks!!

A few quick questions if you wouldn't mind sharing...

1) I noticed on the AppStore it is showing as 29 MB in size, how much of this 29 MB is your actual game? (i.e. your AppGameKit bytecode and other resources such as images, sound...etc)

2) How did you find the process of generating an iOS App via Xcode in terms of, was it straight forward? How long did it take? How much "tweaking" in Xcode did you need to do?

3) How long has it taken Apple to "approve" and make available on the AppStore?

I am writing a game I plan on submitting to Apple shortly and so any information you can share about your experience of the process would be great!!
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 15:22
BTW - I just bought your game, I will let you know what I think
Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 15:33
Oki doki, here are the answers to your questions:

1) The whole media size, here on my Windows Lap Top, is arround 25 MB including bytecode. But discovered that it actually could be less because I forgot to delete some unused sound files

2) The process of generating an iOS was straight foward and well explained by the guides, existing in the AppGameKit help. Just follow this steps and it works Actually I needed arround 2 hours to got the Xcode part done, even I had some problems to remember how to do all the codesigning stuff... But there are good help docs on the Xcode developer site too.

3) Actually submitted the app on last friday. Taking in account that they do not work at apple over the weekend.... it took not that long to got the app approved on yesterday evening. If you count the real workdays, it took apple just friday,monday,tuesday and wednesday, ergo 4 days for approval


Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 15:36 Edited at: 15th Sep 2011 17:03
Looking forward to your feedback!
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 17:05
I like how you did your highscore list.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 17:55 Edited at: 15th Sep 2011 17:55
I just had a quick go and it is pretty good; it has a very "retro" feel to it, something like one of the old arcade games I used to play back in the 80's.

The game itself is quite tricky given the way you control the ship and it took me a while to figure out that you can affect all the on-screen objects in the same way as the player but once I got the hang of it I was zapping through the levels.

One thing I did a couple of times was mistakenly press the [X] in the top right on the screen during a game and it instantly ended the game, it would be better if it asked you to confirm before actually quitting.

A "continue" option would also be nice.

I played it on both my iPhone4 and iPad2 and it works great on both, albeit easier to play on iPad.

Overall, a good little game and a good showcase of an AppGameKit game running on iOS - good job!!
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 18:14
Hey "Space Dream Studios" which xcode are you using? I am stuck right now because the tutorial is for xcode 3.something and I'm using xcode 4.something. I am trying to hire somebody right now to help, I'm not sure how that will go. If it doesn't work out with the person I'm trying to pay , would you be willing to helping out?

maker of iphone/ipad games
Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 18:41
Red5: Thank you very, very much for your positive and constructive feedback! Will include a "buffered" exit button in the next update. Good suggestion! I never touched the exit button by accident during development, but that's what user testing is for! Please don't forget to write a positive review/rating for it into the appstore Thanks again!

malospam: I'm using Xcode 4.0.2 and you are right, the tutorials on apples site are covering 3.something...
I had some hard minutes too figuring out how to do it on 4.something, even I'm german and not a native english speaking guy... But it's basically no major deal, to get everything set up for Xcode, really!
If it's not going to work out for you just send me an email.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 19:16
Well done. Great Game! Great GFX!

And and extra Well Done for doing it all in Tier1!!!!
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 19:22 Edited at: 15th Sep 2011 19:32
Congrats on getting this game on the Apple store!

Very fun! I enjoyed it a lot. I will leave a positive rating for sure.

Would you say that your proven record as a developer made the approval process easier for this app? And do you have any tips on getting apps approved by Apple?

Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 19:56
Thanks bjadams & Rich!!!
Rich: No, I don't think that the approval process is that complicated and hard to manage at all!

From my first apps on I uploaded (btw. created with Xcode and FLASH at the end), until to the current app no. 7, I only had one dismiss by the store because of "to less functionality" It was anyway a small crazy app with only one switch and one sound

If I tell you the truth, I never really went trough the apple developer guidelines.... So guys, don't be scared of the app approval process by apple, it's a piece of cake!

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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 22:59
At least apple gives you a reason why they reject your app.
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 15th Sep 2011 23:21
Well done
Space Dream Studios
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Posted: 16th Sep 2011 00:53
Thanks Cliff!
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Posted: 16th Sep 2011 01:22
Nice work! Great to see a successful app made and published with AGK.


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Posted: 16th Sep 2011 12:23
Rick: It's all because of you guys at TGC!!! You give us the tools!!! Thank you guys!!!

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Posted: 18th Sep 2011 20:32 Edited at: 18th Sep 2011 20:33
Hey congrats on getting an AppGameKit game published already! You must be literally one of the first, apart from TGC I assume. It didn't take long to be authorized either by the sounds. I wonder why the players are taking so long to go through? Or have I missed seeing they are available now?

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Posted: 19th Sep 2011 00:39

Quote: "I wonder why the players are taking so long to go through?"

This was the first thing that went through my mind when I saw this. A game had been made with AppGameKit and approved but the players are still nowhere to be seen.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 19th Sep 2011 03:27 Edited at: 19th Sep 2011 03:28
Quote: "Nice work! Great to see a successful app made and published with AGK."

On AGK's 1 month birthday.


@ Thraxas
Where can I get one of those posters for my wall?

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Posted: 19th Sep 2011 13:43
I bought the game and it runs very nicely on my iPod Touch 4G. Got me thinking that 'top-downs' would be very easy to rotate as you'd only have to rotate the HUD...

Great work!

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