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2D All the way! / Price Range?

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Joined: 7th Dec 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 16:25
Greetings masters of 2D!

I'm currently working on a game in AppGameKit, called Stack 'o Blocks and I am in dire need of some decent graphics, in form of the style This image's background hosts, or at least in that direction. It's going to be a steampunk ish hell! Oh yeah..? I suppose. With machines, imps and random fire at the bottom, most of which animated.

HOWEVER, I can't do this myself. sadly. And I was wondering, how much would it cost me to hire a graphical artist for this all, including menus and whatnot.. Or what sort of arrangements could be made in terms of splitting the profit? I'll likely end up having the game on the Intel and Apple store, and when AppGameKit supports Android, the Android store.. But with my rather limited funds at this point in time, I'm more of a fan of splitting the profit.

You may answer here, on my mail address on the profile or anywhere where you can find me, I don't mind so much! Send me your ideas, prices or even arrangements!

Thank you in advance! And I am eagerly awaiting your responses.
Pincho Paxton
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Joined: 8th Dec 2002
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 19:47 Edited at: 16th Sep 2011 19:47
I have sent mail.

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Joined: 7th Dec 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 20:41
That was quick! I've sent you an e-mail in return.
Pincho Paxton
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Joined: 8th Dec 2002
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 21:02
Another mail.

Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Dec 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 21:10
Sent out a mail again. ;]

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