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AppGameKit Classic Chat / CreatePulleyJoint... how it works?

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Posted: 16th Sep 2011 20:25
Hi all,

I'm trying the pulleyjoint and I can't get it work... all I get is a program crash when createpulletjoint sentence is executed.
I'm using the parameters:

1 as joint id
spr1, spr2 as sprites
spr1 coord x + 100, 0 as ground 1
spr2 coord x + 100, 0 as ground 2
spr1 coord x + 100, spr1 coord y +25 for anchor 1
spr2 coord x + 100, spr2 coord y +25 for anchor 2
1 for radio
0 for collision

the sprites are 200 pix width and 50 pix height...

Anybody can tell me where is the mistake?
Thanks in advance.

Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 16th Sep 2011 23:32 Edited at: 16th Sep 2011 23:41
Post some real code, so we can troubleshoot. And you can use the code and /code tags to put it in a code box here in the forums.

I haven't tried a pulley joint yet, looks interesting.

EDIT: Hmmm, the parameters listed in the help file don't seem to match the parameters in the command. OH! The whole help page for the pulley joint is actually the help page for the prismatic joint. I guess we don't have a help page for the pulley joint.

Time to look it up under Box2D.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 17th Sep 2011 01:52 Edited at: 17th Sep 2011 01:58
Quote: "The whole help page for the pulley joint is actually the help page for the prismatic joint. I guess we don't have a help page for the pulley joint."

Actually there are differences in the paramenters and definition.
Even the descriptions have a major difference...

Quote: "It is similar to a line joint except that relative rotation is prevented."

..That line in the description of the CreatePrismaticJoint
does not appear in the description of the CreatePulleyJoint.
The parameters of the CreatePulleyJoint do not seem to fit the definition though.
I think my Docs on this computer are the old ones, so I need to go get updated ones.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2011 08:24
Hi all,

Well, finally I've something that works with pulleyjoint. it's coded in Tier2 with XCode (the first post test was done with Tier 1 in Windows 7), here is the code:

I'm going to port it to Tier 1 in Windows, hope it works now.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2011 09:35
Tried in Windows (tier 1) and doesn't work,
Reported as defect in


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