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AppGameKit Classic Chat / how to set charset within AGK?

Space Dream Studios
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Joined: 3rd Mar 2010
Posted: 16th Sep 2011 20:45
Hi, anyone a glue how to set the charset with AppGameKit (Tier1)??? Asking because of our special chars we have in german. We can do it in DBPro, but found no command in the AGK...!???

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Posted: 17th Sep 2011 16:17
It's not possible to change that in AppGameKit yet. If you want to use special characters (Umlaut etc.) then you've to change other characters and use them instead. The problem with this workaround is that you loose characters of the orginal character map.

Space Dream Studios
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Joined: 3rd Mar 2010
Posted: 17th Sep 2011 20:55
Thanks Hubdule! Could replace * with รถ and so on....
Good idea!

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