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AppGameKit Classic Chat / I run my game in iPad simulator, it's only 7 fps.what's the problem?

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Posted: 20th Sep 2011 19:20
my game is only 7 fps in iPad simulator, what's the possible reason? and how to solve it?

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Posted: 20th Sep 2011 19:27 Edited at: 20th Sep 2011 19:28
This could be caused by a lot of things ... but without more information no one can help you here ... maybe code? demo? something?

Oh! And don't run it on the IPad Sim! Use a machine for testing as the sim is not as fast as the real thing ...

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Posted: 20th Sep 2011 20:03
Indeed, this could either be poor optimization on your end, or simply the simulator/emulator having horrible issues.
AGK Backer
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Posted: 20th Sep 2011 20:20
The simulator is not good at rendering ogl like the real hardware. it's good to test UI style apps, but when it comes to fps it won't usually be on par as the real ipad.

get an ipad and test on the hardware proper.
AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 20th Sep 2011 20:46
I agree with testing on the device. BUT, the simulator on your desktop or notebook is usually much faster than a device. So if the simulator is slow, your device will crawl.

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