you create a bitmap map and make from all things in the map where you aren't supposed to walk trough:bitmap you load the map bitmap as a big sprite, you load all the extra bitmaps where yoe aren't supposed to walk troough as sprite's and then you make your object
and people and stuff sprites too and then you use sprite hit or collision one by one like:
lets say sprite 2 is a little bystander and one is a player
hope this helps
rem first store your old sprite position
oldspriteposx=sprite x(1)
oldspriteposy=sprite y(1)
rem here comes your movement code
rem now you position your sprite
rem now store new sprite position's
newspritex=sprite x(1)
newspritey=sprite y(1)
rem now the sprite collision
if sprite collision(1,2)
rem and this you do with all of your sprite's you don't want to
rem walk trough.
rem and now you reposition you're sprite
Why live life if you die anyway.