Jump level system V.2
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Here is a small system to jump between levels, change the appearance of each level as many times as you enter, finding as was left earlier.
System functioning from 2° level---to---> penultimate level.
In the first level you can not return because the player settings are reset. While the last cannot go back, because the weapons disappear
System scripting to:
10 jumps level trigger
20 character
20 ammo
20 weapons
20 ligh
20 switch
20 key
20 story zone
20 sound zone
20 door remote
20 door use
20 entity
To facilitate all I created three trigger zone:
Level equal (insert in each level)
Global nextlevel (insert in each level)
Next level
a arrow player completely transparent editing is black.
In the package are also included which display as screen set everything up.
V.2- 07.02.2012
1)Added more pictures for tutorials
2)Teleportation changed with arrow
3)Created .exe (2,54Mb)
4)Changed timerstart with etimerstart
5)Changed timergreater with etimergreater
6)Demo eliminated
Author: Tax78
License: free
By Tax
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