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2D All the way! / My first \"serious\" 2d game

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Joined: 25th Sep 2011
Posted: 25th Sep 2011 23:22 Edited at: 25th Sep 2011 23:26
It\'s a \"Sokoban\" like game, that I\'ve been working on, this summer.
I used C++ and DarkGDK.
Please Download and play it and leave comments with your thoughts about it.
Installation file is uploaded here:[REMOVED BY MOD]

P.S. My frieds liked it hope you\'ll like it to.
Years of Service
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Joined: 4th Apr 2003
Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 25th Sep 2011 23:28
I have removed the link as there are no screenshots, it's posted in the wrong board and the account was only created today. Sorry, but we have to protect the community where there is any doubt.

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