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Dark GDK .NET / [STICKY] Dark GDK .net tutorials - Enjoy

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Posted: 13th Oct 2011 21:42 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2013 20:19
Dark GDK .net video tutorial playlist. (24 videos)

Here is a comprehensive and complete set of guides that cover some of the most common topics of 3d game programming. Each video guide has an accompanying sample project. If you want to keep up with the progress of these guides subscribe to my youtube channel

Dark Helper is now available in Visual Basic 2012 Express. I included the download in this post. Just add the zip file to your VB 2012 templates folder then run visual basic and it should appear in your project list. Please watch the tutorials about installation they contain basic instructions on getting the project to work , enjoy !

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Posted: 14th Oct 2011 12:41
Hey this is great, thank you

Here are the links enabled,

part 1 - getting started

part 2 - basic setup and loading a 3d object

part 3 - basic movement

part 4 - basic movement continued

part 5 - collision detection

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Posted: 17th Oct 2011 01:32
No problem. Nice job my friend


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Posted: 18th Oct 2011 18:55 Edited at: 18th Oct 2011 18:56
Thanks for the tutorials/examples! You are right, the docs are assuming quite a bit.

I have an issue I am trying to resolve, perhaps you can help.

I have a main 3d building object that has 4 attached outbuildings.
I was using the GLUE OBJECT TO LIMB function in DBPro to accomplish this.
But, I am having difficulty translating these lines of code in the
Do you know the correct way to accomplish this?

Here are my original DBPro code lines..

glue object to limb obldg1,BUILDING,0,0
glue object to limb obldg2,BUILDING,0,0
glue object to limb obldg3,BUILDING,0,0
glue object to limb obldg4,BUILDING,0,0

thanks for any advice you can offer.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 19th Oct 2011 21:54
I haven't used the glue / unglue functions in Dark GDK .net yet. However once I start doing the advanced level design tutorial I will look into how to use those.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2011 01:11

Hi, I did receive your email by the way, but I was unable to reply as my ISP has temporarily disabled the email server.

The quickest and easiest method is to do the following:

In your project, add the reference (DGDKPlugins)

In your source file, add the following Imports line (assuming VB.NET)

Now, to use the same functionality as DarkBASIC Professional, do something like this:

I've gone straight to the actual wrapper function here because I may have found a small problem with the DarkGDK.Basic3D.Limb class.

Also, a DBP sample using the same conventions as above can be found here:


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Posted: 3rd Nov 2011 18:29
Thanks Paul. I used a collection to get around the limb function. But may go back to that.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 25th Jan 2012 11:26 Edited at: 30th Jan 2012 10:07
i have been going through the 28 videos on and and i am in need of all the code you have on this project. I tryed that megaupload links, but that domenname and and files were seized by the USA governmetnet and i just can't find another places for downloaded your the source files of the tutorials. Can u also make a link with them here, so i can get and use the entire series of tutorials and the media. If i am just not seaing these files and you do have them posted someplace else, can you please let me whre as i have need of them.


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Posted: 1st Feb 2012 09:47
I'll move them over to my website tomorrow. I don't have internet access where I am at. I also might suggest just downloading the Dark Helper template.

This template contains all of the code I have been working on so far. You will need Dark World Viewer to create Xobjects , but you could easily translate the code over into your project. I'm adding support for terrain creation into Dark World Viewer next , then I'll be working on finishing the last part of Dark Helper which is the automated gravity.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2012 06:59
@jojoofu Do you have a Dark Helper templet that will work with 2008


Ham and Eggs Breakfast
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Posted: 7th Feb 2012 05:34
No , but I could transfer it to 2008 for you. It would only take a few minutes. However I can't guarantee it will work the same but theoretically it should be fine. I would suggest just upgrading to Visual Basic 2010 or 2010 express. The only major difference between 2008 and 2010 is that 2010 has integrated support for windows 7 style forms.

I'll be back to doing tutorials tomorrow so I'll throw that together for you while I'm at it.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2012 07:02
That would be Great. I have been going over your tutorials and I have picked up a lot of things that I had problems with. You did a real good job with them. I am still watching them. Going over the collision now. Thanks for the help


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Posted: 10th Feb 2012 16:52

I wonder if you have had time to look into that template for VS 2008


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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 00:10
Probably will have it done tomorrow. Been taking care of some personal business over the last few days.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 09:16
I added the 2008 Dark Helper Template to the downloads on this thread. This is custom template I made and the code is all open source. For the first 11 tutorials you could copy paste the code into a stand Dark GDK template. Just remember to set the ctlviewports embedded property to false.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 16:44

Thanks a lot for your time spent on this. I am sure other pepole that still run VS 2008 will also appreciate this. Now I have to figure it out not to good with templets.

Thanks Again


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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 20:57
My pleasure , once I have version 2.0 complete I'm going to write a complete guide for both Dark World Viewer and Dark Helper. Hopefully I should be done with in the next 2 weeks.

I have some awesome features planned for Dark World Viewer 2.0 such as real time terrain designer and menu creation tools.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2012 21:05
i realy hate to be a pain about this but what file do I copy and past and to where.


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Posted: 13th Feb 2012 08:40 Edited at: 13th Feb 2012 08:41
If you want to try the code samples from the tutorials. You could download the sample projects then add the classes to a vb 2008 project or you could open the class files with a text editor such as notepad and copy them into your project manually.

I can't convert the first 11 tutorials down to 2008 because the format they are in totally differs from the default GDK format. But you can still view the code in an editor then copy and paste it in. I would suggest just upgrading to 2010. VB 2010 is just 2008 with shiny packaging and a few minor changes to the API.

EDIT - and Visual Basic Express 2010 is free

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Posted: 13th Feb 2012 18:41
Ok Thanks jojoofu

I will give it a try. I might have to part with a buck or two and upgrade.


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Posted: 14th Feb 2012 18:42
Just use Visual Basic 2010 Express edition. Its free and gets the job done. It works fine for most purposes and could be used temporarily until you decide if you want to upgrade. I have Visual Studio 2010 but I still use the express version for these projects in order to ensure all users can have access to them.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2012 06:56 Edited at: 15th Feb 2012 06:58
Yes I went ahead and did that. But I did as you said for the template for 2008 it starts to run but it freezs up when trying to load the model. It puts on the screen "Please stand by loading model". Thats where I stoped and downloaded 2010 express. I have that up and running with no problem. So I have gone through most of your video's. I have been checking your site for something new. I was working with AppGameKit but at every turn I was hitting a block wall. I put that on the back burner. That's when I saw your tutorials and I got hooked on DarkGDK.NET again. So I will be waiting for your tutorials to unfold.


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Posted: 26th Feb 2012 19:44
I just finished up the basic artificial intelligence series and now I will be working on an users guide for Dark World Viewer and then I will pick back up the tutorials.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2012 21:17
I'm taking a break from the coding portion to do a small series on 3d modeling then I'm coming back to the code portion.

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Posted: 4th May 2012 20:19
The Dark Helper Kit download will be unavailable for about 1 week. I am in the process of switching host. If anyone knows of any free file hosting sites please let me know

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