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Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 20th Oct 2011 18:07





scifi/ horror FPS

Release date

Q2 2012


The year is 1944. A POW lies down on his prison bed somewhere in Germany, contemplating his thoughts. He falls asleep that night like any night. When he wakes up in the morning the distinct smell of blood is abundant in the cell. He notices a severed hand holding a pair of keys that open up his cell. When he unlocks the doors he is met with a gruesome sight, a carcass on the floor bled out holding a gun. He grabs the colt 45 and heads out to investigate. He is met by hordes of zombies after his blood, he has to fight his way through the zombie mob to escape the death camp, but the virus has spread to the outside, and so has something else.
The earth seems unsettled, something has opened the depths of time to bring the present and the future together, along with all the baddies and monsters that go with it. What was a hopeless situation for the POW has now turned into a confusing one. Can he stop the virus from spreading, can he save the day? The world’s hopes rest on the shoulders of war prisoner Marcus Beck. This is his story.

(im going to try and make the game feel like a book, but no narator, i know thats the craze in games since bastion was released. the story is gonna be told from a first person perspective so all plot will unfold infront of the character and not in cutscenes from a 3rd person stance.)

A demo will be released some time in febuary when we are close to going gold.


[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

Images are very very early screens, enviormental detail has not been implemented fully, we expect to have final images in place at a later date, but will constantly update this thread with update enviormental screenshots. Please note that this scene taks place in a bunker so the lighting and mood is dark, so dont expect huge amount of entity placements in the death camp screens

crits and such are welcome.

thanks for your help and support

Deathkon 3000 is no longer in production..... and no their was no "curse" its just the fact i couldnt be botherd!
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 20th Oct 2011 21:59
First screenshot is great! Is that smoke real? As in, does it move or is it just a picture?

The rest of the screenshots are boring in my opinion. Don't just show yourself shooting this zombie thing. Actually show your game so people will be interested in it!

- Josh

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Posted: 20th Oct 2011 23:49
@Exu Corporations

The smoke is a decal from the Sprite animation pack

It does move and does look very good.


Game looks good. As Exu mentioned, the second screens are a bit, meh Make sure to really show off the interesting things in your game. The first screen is nice, however, the light emitting from the ashtray, what is the light source? Is it a cigarette, that is giving off that much light?

And, in the other screens, that mesh thing on the right, am i correct in assuming that is a group of girders? I personally don't think that any structure would have that many girders in such close proximity.

I am only speaking from my opinion though, trying to help! Not, being horrible in any way, please don't take this in any other way than helpful opinions.


Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 21st Oct 2011 02:04
Yeah that is a light source from a cigerette, was going to tweak it anyway, as for the crits ill show more enviormental images from now on.

as for the girders i realy like the effect it has on the shadows thats all.
thansk again people

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2011 21:03
hey their

I have some new screenies for Alternate. Their still WIP but i think it shows the mood of the game just right

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

(the light rays are a bit off centered but we are using them as placeholders)

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2011 23:40
It looks good, the last pic especially, except the table is a bit unnatural, how on earth can it stay balanced like that? And seeing those weapons in-game makes me want to buy the pack even more!

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 03:34
Wow looks good man.I think you need retexture the table,so it will looks good.

I have one question

Is this commercial game or non commercial games?

Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,Rolfy,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 04:30
Quote: "It looks good, the last pic especially, except the table is a bit unnatural, how on earth can it stay balanced like that? And seeing those weapons in-game makes me want to buy the pack even more! "

yeah ive taken what everyone has said and tried my best to spend more time on making it look good and play good. im spending weeks on a level instead of hours. it is possible to put a table on its side like that, former backyar wrestler talking! as for the guns, they are by far the greatest guns in fpsc hands down, so masterfully crafted. they basically made me come up with the idea and setting for this game, plus those zombies.

Quote: "Wow looks good man.I think you need retexture the table,so it will looks good.

I have one question

Is this commercial game or non commercial games?"

thanks alot aswell.

as for the game being commercial or non commercial, depends on wether we can shift the game to any portals, in the ocuronce that it gets rejected like subject 80, then we will release it for free. i have high hopes for this project becuase of the general feedback ive gotten from other sources who have played the game.

it will most likely be commercial. that being said we beleive that games are over priced, so ALTERNATE will likley sell for $5 to $10. regardless of how long it takes to complete the game.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 16:46
Quote: "as for the game being commercial or non commercial, depends on wether we can shift the game to any portals, in the ocuronce that it gets rejected like subject 80, then we will release it for free. i have high hopes for this project becuase of the general feedback ive gotten from other sources who have played the game.

it will most likely be commercial. that being said we beleive that games are over priced, so ALTERNATE will likley sell for $5 to $10. regardless of how long it takes to complete the game."

Wow thats a good news.Anyway good luck on this project!

Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,Rolfy,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 18:50
Quote: " it is possible to put a table on its side like that, former backyar wrestler talking"

But I still believe that it's feet would be touching the ground, right?

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 24th Oct 2011 01:52
Quote: "But I still believe that it's feet would be touching the ground, right?"

good point
may have to fix that

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Posted: 27th Oct 2011 05:30
First, I am amazed with your smoke effect, how the hell did you do that? Second, your level design skills are great, I am hoping the game play is great too, lastly I really like the way you light your levels.

click the banner! =)
Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 4th Nov 2011 23:12
we have some screen shot updates. a few things to consider are they are not final quality screens, and 2, for some reason fraps is lagging my fpsc framerate, so that is why the lowest frames in pic are around 35 frames,

screen shots:

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

* a few of the screens look dark, the lightinbg in them are placeholders, nothing a few wall lights wont fix

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 20th Nov 2011 20:06
We got some screens coming up in the next hour people, so stay locked!

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 21st Nov 2011 05:19
Sorry for the wait, here are the screens by the way fraps is destroying our frames when on, dont know why fraps is such a system hogg, its ludicrouse! we game here we come:

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

[img] Uploaded with[/img]

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[img] Uploaded with[/img]


crits welcome

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 1st Jan 2012 22:54 Edited at: 28th Jan 2012 20:05

Video taken down

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 13:56
Trailer needs more gameplay, though it was well put together.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2012 16:23
Hi on the new pictures some of the lights are just hanging in the air I think you fix that besides that the pictures are really good.
Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 25th Feb 2012 21:24 Edited at: 25th Feb 2012 21:30
we got some screen shot updates, they are more of a near finished product shots of a level, but as usual their is always room for improvement. FPS note: FRAPS causing majour lag as usual

[img] By purplefacegames at 2012-02-25[/img]

[img] By purplefacegames at 2012-02-25[/img]

[img] By purplefacegames at 2012-02-25[/img]

[img] By purplefacegames at 2012-02-25[/img]

[img] By purplefacegames at 2012-02-25[/img]

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 10th May 2012 18:35 Edited at: 10th May 2012 18:36
***** Update Video Trailer Now up*******

Gameplay Trailer coming in 3 weeks.

Alternate will now use an Episodic Formate, with 7 Episodes Through out the next year.

Episode one is on schedule for July 2012.

all images your seeing are from episode one.


The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 11th May 2012 16:46 Edited at: 11th May 2012 16:46
Quote: "fraps is destroying our frames when on"

Take the screens in a built game instead of test game. That has the added beneficial effect, that you know if your game will actually run before you spend money on printing packages

In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
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Posted: 17th May 2012 13:15 Edited at: 17th May 2012 13:27
Hello everybody! We have some screens for episode one of alternate here. we hope you enjoy them, also feel free to critique and feed us some opinions on our work in progress.

Thanks for everybodies time and patience

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Posted: 6th Jun 2012 17:08 Edited at: 6th Jun 2012 17:09
Gameplay Trailer for Epsiode one now officially released

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 7th Jun 2012 03:55
Doesn't look bad, I would recommend using the illumination.fx (or however you spell it) shader on your light sources so it gives them a glow, it makes a real difference

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 7th Jun 2012 20:32
cool thanks for that. Where abouts would i load it in? Just directly from the properties of the light bulb or source?

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 8th Jun 2012 00:20
The light source, the entity that the light is supposed to be coming from, such as a lamp or a ceiling light
Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 9th Jun 2012 16:41
Thanks again man

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Posted: 9th Jun 2012 22:20
This is coming together nicely.

Awesome! Its one of those threads.
Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 10th Jun 2012 01:59
Quote: "This is coming together nicely."

Thanks alot man, It means alot coming from this community. Apreciate the comments from everyone. Good and bad welcome, without it then the game can not be bettered.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 10th Jun 2012 18:19
IT's looking good, the gameplay looks nice, although there is a ton of lag.

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 13th Jun 2012 14:12
Quote: "IT's looking good, the gameplay looks nice, although there is a ton of lag."

Yeah unfortunatley that's my PC there

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 14th Jun 2012 14:13 Edited at: 14th Jun 2012 14:21
New Screens:

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 17:52

I have a screenshot from a busted pipe scene in the sewer level which I thought looked pretty awesome:

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Posted: 15th Jun 2012 21:50
Ok theres way to much rubble underneath it compared to the size of the whole and what is producing that blue light? It's sure not the light on the cieling cause that one obviously would make a white or yellowish light from it. I would change the lighting and remove some rubble over all it looks great

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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 07:03
I'm liking the screenies, but what is up with the blue glow in the last screen? What is causing that?

Abdul Ahad

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 17:03 Edited at: 17th Jun 2012 17:03
I agree with Abdul and NIlooc above me, but the screens seem to look great otherwise. Especially liking the one with all the pipes on the floor. There's the blue glow also, but it looks more natural there in my opinion, looks like the water reflecting on the pipes and whatnot.

BUT! I just noticed that the bricks on your last screen are perfectly angled, like you just used R to rotate them. Try "SHIFT + R" and "CTRL + R" to rotate them more specifically.

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