Hello folks,
It`s me again, sorry to bore you.
I am studying hard FPI Script, and i am VERY HAPPY
because i am making a good progress.
I think FPSC is really an AWESOME software, and YES, it is possible to create a Great Game in FPSC.
I know here we have got very talented folks that create a lot of cool things in FPSC, however, i think that some folks when begin with FPSC, they hasten a lot on creating a game. I respect all folks here, i am not trying to offense anyone here.
But i think to one create a game, must be step by step, a person must learn, seek knowledge on everything before try to create a game.
I am now studying FPI Script, and after i "get it", i will move to learn a 3D software (3dsmax). I have a medium knowledge, but i think i need more.
So after this, then i may try to create a game in FPSC.
Ok, sorru to extent in my comments (i just wanted to share my thoughts)
Now my question is how can i move an entity backwards?
I am creating a driveable car, it moves, like conjured chopper, but i could not make it move backwards.
I tried the command "moveback", but it doesn`t work.
Anyone can help me?
Goldenye 007 N64