best and most simple to use a variation of conjured-entertainment´s cash-system (as so many times before^^):
i altered it for you:
1) set this as a mainscript for a nonstatic entity anywhere on your map, and set the entity to "always active" and "isimobile= 1/yes" with right clicking.
;FPSC Artificial Intelligence Script v118
;Created by Brian Woodward DBA Conjured Entertainment
;Creation 2011/06/10 YYYY/MM/DD
;Modified by maho
;Modification 2011/10/31
desc = points achievment system vars&huds
:state=1,varequal=points 5:hudshow=allpoints,hudunshow=allpoints,setvar=points 0,state=2
;End of Script
now the only thing you need to do is alter your item-destroyscripts(copy&paste original destroyscripts):
insert this little snippet into the first line of the script, right below ";triggers"
(if this doesnt work on itempickup because they dont use there destroyscripts, you have to insert "addvar=points 1,", right before "playertake"-action, into the mainscript of the item (setup a copy of the script so you dont touch the original)).
finally you have to build 2 huds. i cant do it atm because i have no painting-prog on this computer.
one for the labeling "points", simply alter the "" out of the link-download above and save-as "" in the folder "gamecore\huds\user\".
second is the display you want to use when all points are collected. name it "" and save in "gamecore\huds\user\".
the above script sets up a variable called "points" and displays it under the "pointslabel"-hud. with each collected item, its destroyscript rises the counter by 1. when it counts 5 (":state=1,varequal=points 5:", edit number as you wish), the "allpoints"-hud is displayed in the middle of the screen, fades out and the counter is reset to 0.
didnt test it, but should work. i hope you understand and can build the can use this system with all kinds of entities like items, destroying specific enemies etc. conjured has delivered great basic work with his cash-system.
EDIT: and hud-images attached. found gimp on this thing called computer^^