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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Artifact Of The Accursed

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Posted: 30th Nov 2011 23:59 Edited at: 14th Feb 2012 21:13

Genre: Adventure

Developer: Astek

Story Description:

Re-Writting story. Short version of it, you are a detective, trying to track down a lost artifact.

Alpha Testing Demo: Updated Build

Known hiccups:

- Phone hud will be removed in next release.


Developer's Notes:

After deciding to revamp Dusk, I totally threw most of it out the window. This game will mix outdoor environments with
indoor settings and really try to give you a living atmosphere while delivering solid gameplay. I'm sold more on delivering a
clear story and solid puzzles to enjoy and perhaps trying to relay an old school game feel to it. I don't even care if I get BOTB on this or not.
Having that as my only goal before really hindered me and rushed myself to stunt my last project.
Here I'm going to take my time and offer plenty of testing and bug fixing.

Leave any comments and criticisms you many have. I'm here to make a solid game and go full force this time.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 1st Dec 2011 00:04
I LOVE the apartment, as we rarely see non grungy, well lit FPSC environments these days.

I would, however, like to point out that in the second screenshot, the light closest to the player has no source. also, the lights in the first screenshot are placed too far from their sources.

I'd have to say, I like this game a lot. I'm going to keep track of it.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2011 02:41
Same here DEMO!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2011 03:21
Quote: "I would, however, like to point out that in the second screenshot, the light closest to the player has no source."

HaHa. I'd like to mention that there IS a light on the wall (unseen in the screenshot) so its all good. I also adjusted the
lights but I still feel like I'm not getting them where I like them. Oh well.

Quote: "Same here DEMO!"

Thanks, both of you.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
Le Shorte
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Posted: 1st Dec 2011 04:08
Quote: "I LOVE the apartment, as we rarely see non grungy, well lit FPSC environments these days."

I second that.

Cheesehead for life.
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 1st Dec 2011 07:11
Quote: "I second that."

I third that.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 23:24
Quote: "I third that."

I fourth that, or whatever...

I think it looking great, definitely looking forward to what you got cooking here. It looks very realistically lit and clean, which I like. Good job, I want to see where this is going!

Dark Frager
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 00:19
Quote: "I fourth that,"

I fifth that.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 03:37
Quote: " "I fourth that,""

I sixth that...

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 03:53 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2011 03:54
Thanks for looking guys. I appreciate the interest. I'm currently contemplating how to do the outdoor environments. I fear
I'm going to have to scale them down a good size. Once I start hitting 1200 MB of memory and I'm not even half-way done with a level...
that instantly red-flags me to down-scale.

On that note however, I would like to see if anyone could help with voicing 1 of the characters in the game. I can offer a voice
trade-off but I have to warn you that some guidelines do apply. If you are seriously interested, you can email me and we will talk it over.
I'm needing someone with a voice that would fit with an older male character. If anyone of you think you can do it, I'd like to
know. I'm trying to make the story play out within the game and avoiding a bunch of cut scenes. I feel like this is the way
to go about it.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
Wraith Staff
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 03:18
It's so...... CLEAN!!?! Is there a mop icon in the editor I've missed all these years

All kidding aside, it's looking really nice, ASTEK.

New sig in the process of being made
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Posted: 5th Dec 2011 11:51
very nice look. nearly looks like you use a pale-grey-brown fog as fullscreenshader, gives a nice washed out atmo. am i right or is it just the textures?

very well made so far.
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Posted: 1st Jan 2012 20:16 Edited at: 1st Jan 2012 20:19
Quote: "very nice look. nearly looks like you use a pale-grey-brown fog as fullscreenshader, gives a nice washed out atmo. am i right or is it just the textures?"

I believe its just the textures, but I do have a fullscreen shader that adds a bit of a "foggy" look, to the the game (not shown).

Quote: "All kidding aside, it's looking really nice"

Thank you. I don't know how much anything else will be clean in the end though. The apartments need to be clean because its just the logic of it.

Update On Progress:

In short, I haven't made much progress. I was stricken with a series of ailments that postponed me, but then some after that, the
holdiay seasons kept me away and drew me elsewhere. I have been experimenting though and I'm thinking that I might not focus
so heavy on outdoor environments and perhaps I might opt to drop a setting from the game. I'm still playing with some ideas but
I do want to drop some more screens just as soon as I get some major progress in. I'm looking forward to perhaps branch this game
with what I've already done with Dusk in the past. We will have to see what happens however. I still have much to explore.

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Posted: 9th Jan 2012 04:18 Edited at: 10th Jan 2012 05:13

Crime scene. Do Not Cross. A murder has been committed. The criminal may still be close by.

I don't know by what means this man was killed, but the life looks to be sucked right out of him. He's nothing more then a raisin now.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2012 06:24
Love the look. Can't wait for more.

How's that for a short and sweet comment ?


For KeithC
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Posted: 11th Jan 2012 07:49
Quote: "The criminal may still be close by. "
Oh man that got me so excited
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Posted: 11th Jan 2012 12:19
Looks great, keep hard working mate
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Posted: 11th Jan 2012 21:48
Thanks everyone.

I know you guys wanted a demo and while its not a fabulous one, I plan to build a TEST run for testing purposes. It will be available only
for a short time and please understand the game is still in Alpha. I might release a tech demo later today, but be aware that it by no
means reflects the what the final product might actually be.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 11th Jan 2012 22:25
I will test it and give you the best review i can? Are you looking for reviews? I can look for bugs/glitches too if you want. Can't wait to try it, the new screenshots look great!

- Josh
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Posted: 12th Jan 2012 19:03
The test demo will be available forum wide when I release it. I'm battling some scripting mess right now and I have so many triggers
in my second level that is is absolutely amazing. I will confess that while I don't write scripts from the ground up, modifying them
and bending them to the will really seems to get a lot done. If for some reason I don't get a testing demo released today, it will
be next week before anything gets released.

I've made a huge breakthrough since a few days ago though. The gameplay is much deeper then what you've seen so far!

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 12th Jan 2012 22:05
Sounds great man! Take as long as you need! I think we can wait
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Posted: 12th Jan 2012 22:42
I'm pretty excited honestly. this game looks nice, and you've improved so much.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2012 23:29
Can't wait for this
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 07:29 Edited at: 13th Jan 2012 14:41
I'm a day or so late but better late then never!

Alpha Testing Demo: Updated Build

Known hiccups:

- Phone hud will be removed in next release.

The voice work for the Lieutenant is a stand-in until I get another actor. Besides that, I opted to leave out the witness questioning.
My main reason being that my voice actor was not able to do the lines yet.

Feel free to mess around and try and break my game. Be sure to look out windows as well as at places off the beaten path. As for
the gameplay, it is mostly tutorial-like and introductory. Don't forget to use "E"!

Comments and criticism welcome. Bare in mind that this is not an official demo. This is mainly for testing and preview reasons.

By downloading, you agree not to redistribute. Thanks!

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 10:47
Downloading now!
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 18:07 Edited at: 13th Jan 2012 18:08
WOW. That is pretty much all i can say! You took FPSC to the next level man! Everything about this was amazing, especially the fact that it was not just like "ZOMBIES AND STUFF". But if you want to see my review open the code thing, THIS MAY BE A SPOILER FOR SOME SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

- Josh
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 18:40 Edited at: 13th Jan 2012 18:42
Thanks for the review Desecrated. Now concerning some of your said things,

- It is raining but not hard. With the ambiance music from the restaurant and outside noises, its just muffled. When you go outside you will hear it.

- The gun is only used for later. I didn't want the player trying to kill any cop because realistically, that would be a dumb.

- The instructions say "The letter O". I tried to clarify it the best I could. It's understandable you would use the zero key.

- I will look into the rest that was mentioned but the lady in the street is explainable but just not visibly. Point understood however.

Thanks for the review and I'm going to get back to work now. May I ask however, did you use the checklist or did you find it annoying?
I feel like I might be holding people's hands too much with that, but did it actually help to do the level... or was it just
unreal and an upsetting of the mood?

Thanks again!

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 19:01
Quote: "It is raining but not hard. With the ambiance music from the restaurant and outside noises, its just muffled. When you go outside you will hear it."

Sound's good, i was just wondering that's all!

Quote: "The gun is only used for later. I didn't want the player trying to kill any cop because realistically, that would be a dumb."

Very, very true haha!

Quote: "The instructions say "The letter O"."

I apologize, i must have missed that. You did make it clear enough, im just dumb

Quote: "did you use the checklist or did you find it annoying?"

My honest answer is that i glanced at it to see what i had to do and then i just did it. I never really looked at it much after i picked it up.

- Josh
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Posted: 13th Jan 2012 23:01
The pics have a real nice look and feel to them. They look better than FPSC somehow. The rooms are nicely populated and not overdone. Downloading the now to check it out.


!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

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Posted: 15th Jan 2012 03:39 Edited at: 15th Jan 2012 06:21
I might need at least 1 or two from the forum to do some frame-rate tests in the future. The level will not be complete but
it will only be to test if the level is playable on lower systems.

Got a low quality system with a decent graphics card, holler at me. I need 2 lower end pc's to test a map for me.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 00:15 Edited at: 27th Jan 2012 00:15

Working on levels that help introduce the player to the story. I'm starting with the Museum to help bring things into perspective.
I don't know if its going to be strictly for cutscenes or if player gets to interact yet. I had opted to just explain the story intro
via cutscenes, but this map is looking better then I planned.

Comments and critism are welcome. Obviously this map is 95% Cosmic so far. Nothing wrong about that.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 00:34 Edited at: 27th Jan 2012 03:07
Could download the test demo from your post. We get an error saying the file is marked as private.

[EDIT]: Download now appears to be working.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 02:49
Looking great. The museum appears to need more signs though. That screenshot seems to be oddly void or writing, for a museum. Other than that, it looks great. I'm downloading the test as we speak. Keep up the good work!

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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 03:57
Beautiful screeny... As said before, more signs would be good (unless there is a reason fr the lack of them). What I recommend if you are planning to make this a scary level is to visit a museum at night AFTER closing hours. They are just about the scariest places, right up next to hospitals. I was stuck in a museum well after closing time once and it is extremely eerie! The whole place is dead silent and only a few light sources that make all the sculptures and anything that sticks out look alive and scary. Brr... Bad memories lol. It would be awesome though to see something like that recreated in a game


For KeithC
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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 04:34
Thanks for looking everyone. Right now, I'm contemplating what to do with this level. What you see in the screenshot is a parlor type area.
The exhibits and things are located in the rooms down the hall. I will add signs later if I don't scrap this concept.

I'm still playing with the idea and what to do with it.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 27th Jan 2012 18:24
Quote: "I will add signs later if I don't scrap this concept."


This looks amazing ASTEK! Why would you even think of scraping the concept? Don't you need a museum level anyways because it is related to whole story plot? Just keep messing with it, im guessing you will find something that you like!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2012 02:10
I think the lights from the metro theater pack (if you have it) would look much nicer in the scene. Maybe a central chandelier in the room, with some sconces on the walls. Still, it looks great though!

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Posted: 29th Jan 2012 08:17
ASTEK Good screen shot, but there is 1 mistake. Your roof, actually, it`s a wooden floor (I don`t know how about you, but I have that floor ).

With game making from St.-Petersburg.
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Posted: 30th Jan 2012 17:38
Quote: "ASTEK Good screen shot, but there is 1 mistake. Your roof, actually, it`s a wooden floor"

Maybe. I don't doubt it. Its just the way Cosmic's pack was. I think it looks fine by itself.

Quote: "I think the lights from the metro theater pack (if you have it) would look much nicer in the scene."

Ehhh... probably... but its not on the store separate and I can't justify $20 for that 1 item.

Quote: "This looks amazing ASTEK! Why would you even think of scraping the concept? Don't you need a museum level anyways because it is related to whole story plot?"

Yes I do need the museum somewhere in the game... but I do not really have to have the player interact. Also, a full fledged
museum would be hard to do and have a strong FPS. I'm mainly trying to shoot for low-mid end systems here and stay under the memory cap.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
science boy
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Posted: 30th Jan 2012 20:07
astek this is really good work,im very impressed, and as others say none grunge is great, we have been grunged to death on fpsc.

keep up the awesome work dude

an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2012 04:16 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2012 05:02
POST REMOVED: I've changed my mind.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2012 13:13
Sorry, brain fart.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2012 13:20

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Posted: 7th Feb 2012 13:35
ASTEK you say that the museum is 95% cosmic is this a pack that we can buy/download?

Great looking by the way
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Posted: 13th Feb 2012 16:52
Quote: "ASTEK you say that the museum is 95% cosmic is this a pack that we can buy/download?"

I took segment and models from Cosmic Prophet's Dark City packs. You can search for them on the forums. should have them too.

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2012 18:40
do you design everything yourself???

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Posted: 24th Mar 2012 05:19 Edited at: 24th Mar 2012 05:20
If you mean, do I model everything by myself, then no. However, level design I indeed do by myself.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 24th Mar 2012 05:19 Edited at: 24th Mar 2012 05:19
(Unintended double-post)

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit

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