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2D All the way! / First 2d game attempt

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Joined: 5th Jan 2006
Playing: FPSC Multiplayer Games
Posted: 7th Dec 2011 05:30
Aside from FPSC and some "Atari Basic" games I wrote for my girls in the 80's, this is my first attempt at a 2d game. You'll notice the glitchy nature of Visual Basic with even the simplest of graphics. Perhaps some of you can give me some pointers/tips. I normally don't do any kind of graphics coding. Anyway, the little game is attached. It's a kids game, probably around 4-10 years of age? Try it if you dare!


!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH


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Joined: 7th Apr 2007
Location: USA
Posted: 8th Dec 2011 01:48
Haven't tried the game, but the graphics look great!

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Joined: 5th Jan 2006
Playing: FPSC Multiplayer Games
Posted: 8th Dec 2011 02:55
Thanks LBFN but... I didn't make the graphics. I'm just looking for feedback on the game play and VB if anyone else here uses it. Obviously there are better engines for this than VB, but it's what I know - just not about using it for graphics.

I've pretty much taken the "trails" issue out of the equation by converting to click only instead of click and drag. I'm still working out some "blinking" issues when the forms load, but I think it will be usable in the end.

I would like to hear thoughts on the flow, if it makes sense in terms of progression, age appropriateness, and variations on the theme. I would like to make a variety of "Pic-Click Adventures" if I can get them to run smooth and play well.


!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

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