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Android / T2 touch or pointer?

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Joined: 18th Nov 2011
Posted: 15th Dec 2011 05:05
Do I need to use the touch functions for presses ei agk::getrawtouch****()? or can I stay with my current of pointer ei agk::GetPointerPressed(); clicks?
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 15th Dec 2011 12:23
I would suspect it works the same as T1. Using pointer is platform independent and it will work with both touchscreens and mice. With touch I believe you can do multitouch etc. But if you don't need that, I would suggest going with pointer.

User Banned
Posted: 5th Jan 2012 15:14
i have a large image which is 4068 x 50 and 4068 x 320 , they show up as white on the screen every other image shows up perfectly they are both png format. any one got any ideas.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2012 18:44
Somebody said there was a 1024x1024 limit for images, but I can't confirm that.

-- Jim
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 6th Jan 2012 14:48
Why post that in someone else's thread?

How come your image sizes are the same as Zubby1970's? Check his thread for our discussion on the topic.

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