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Posted: 26th Sep 2012 20:09
Maybe you didn't say you were going to. I thought you may have hinted at it, last time I asked.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2012 06:15 Edited at: 27th Sep 2012 06:17
I just went back and checked, and yes, I did say I was going to...kinda forgot.

I'm thinking I'm going to add sprite sheet support but no animation support. I'll allow the placement, resizing etc. of sprite sheets as any single frame in the sheet but there'll be no animation. Is that what you were thinking?

EDIT: It just occurred to me that you might have meant many sprites in one image, not an animated sprite in one image. It'll be much easier to add support for many sprites in one image, so I'm hoping that's what you meant


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Posted: 27th Sep 2012 20:17
I meant several different images placed in one file. I have a bunch of walls in a single .png file that I would like to use.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2012 19:50
I'm having an issue with PEP. Whenever I save a level, add new tiles to PEP, then load the level, place one of the new tiles.

When I open level in AppGameKit or in PEP, it has randomly placed a bunch of placeholder images all over my map and the map is all messed up.

Is this a known issue?
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Posted: 29th Sep 2012 11:01 Edited at: 29th Sep 2012 11:06

Good that's the easier one

@Scab:'s never done that before...

Some questions: Are the images still in the correct folder when you load the level in PEP? When you load the level in AppGameKit do you put the images in the right folder? Are you recompiling PEP in AppGameKit Build 107 or later? Are you using a custom loader or the loader that comes with PEP?

I can't test anything right now because in updating PEP I've broken a whole lot of things that now need fixing.

I'll do my best to fix it but it may be due to some bugs in the AGK.

With regards to the next update: you'll have to wait until TGC fixes a bug with the edit boxes in the new AGK. The don't seem to be using ScreenToWorldX/Y() in their internal selection code. The visual part sticks to the screen but you have to click elsewhere if the screen is offset from 0,0.


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Posted: 1st Oct 2012 21:05
Some answers:
Are the images still in the correct folder when you load the level in PEP? Yes.

When you load the level in AppGameKit do you put the images in the right folder? Yes.

Are you recompiling PEP in AppGameKit Build 107 or later? I'm using your EXE - not recompiling.

Are you using a custom loader or the loader that comes with PEP? No, I use your example and change the filename of level.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2012 09:36
Blast. It couldn't have been your fault, could it? Now I have to go and try to work out what's wrong...

Btw could you re-phrase your problem? I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you're doing to get the problem (like what are tiles?).


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Posted: 10th Oct 2012 02:33 Edited at: 10th Oct 2012 02:35
Wow I just noticed I have a BADGE!! Woo!! I'm now marked as an "AGK Tool Maker"! Yes! I've always wanted a badge!


EDIT: Sorry, the next update for PEP will be delayed until TGC fixes a bug in the AppGameKit which is completely preventing me from continuing work (the editbox-over-compensating-for-view-offset-when-fixed-to-screen bug).


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Posted: 10th Oct 2012 19:32
I've been using PEP on 2 computers and get the same messed up results whenever I load a saved map.

I figured out where the problem lies though. It works fine with individual piece placing but when I turn on the paint brush, it doesn't save my maps properly.

Here are my settings:

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Posted: 10th Oct 2012 19:41
Here's what it looked like when I saved:


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Posted: 10th Oct 2012 19:42
Here's what it looked like after I closed, and then opend my saved map.


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Posted: 11th Oct 2012 21:51
I can't change the size of my sprites. I am using this and it doesn't work any thoughts? I do have the include file included.

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Posted: 11th Oct 2012 23:30

I'll look into it, but your before and after shots are identical so I can't be sure what's happening. Perhaps you uploaded the wrong photo for the after shot?


I can't look at it right now because I'm going to town but as soon as I can I'll see what your problem is

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Posted: 12th Oct 2012 19:46
Sorry, here's the correct after screenshot.


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Posted: 13th Oct 2012 04:34
For Scab's problem:

I get the same issue as Scab when I drag the paint brush. However if I click each time to put in the image it works correctly.

For my problem:

Something is strange on my end. If I leave the properties field blank it won't show my image. If I enter wall then my walls show but the settings inside the if statement never take place. It seems as if the if statement is coming back false. If i use the settings outside the if statement they work. It works on all the sprites then too.
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Posted: 17th Oct 2012 04:40
Quote: "Sorry, here's the correct after screenshot."

Ah thanks, I think I know what the problem is Unfortunately, until they release the next version of AppGameKit I can't release a patched version of PEP because I rewrote entire sections of code that are currently broken because of the AGK's bugs and I'm not changing my code back again. I listed the bug on AppGameKit Issue Board and it's been fixed for the next release of AppGameKit, so as soon as the next version of AppGameKit is out I'll release an updated version of PEP


Thanks for the extra information. I'm still trying to find the bug, but I just had a new idea for what could be causing it


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Posted: 12th Nov 2012 19:24 Edited at: 12th Nov 2012 20:10
Edit: As soon as I global spritecount everything worked.

Somehow I missed that.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2012 03:49 Edited at: 14th Nov 2012 03:54
@Kobaltic: Ah good. That's one less problem I have to sort out

I AM still working on PEP. I'm hoping to release update 1.2 within the next week or two (probably two). It fixes many bugs and adds several new features (I think I even stuck magnetic snap in my to-do list). I've already got the properties window using the new edit boxes for much better editing.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I've fixed Scab's problem for the next release.
EDIT2: As it turns out it was your extra information, Kobaltic, that let me find the fix for Scab's problem


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Posted: 16th Nov 2012 21:38
Thank you so much for this editor, I got my game prototype working nicely and I'm looking forward to dig deeper into this editor. Nice that you gave us source code as well!!
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Posted: 18th Nov 2012 09:40
No problem

As a teaser on one of the more useful features I'm implementing in the next update: Preset sprite properties It'll allow much, much easier creation of game levels by letting you create a text file that contains the default properties you want set on a particular sprite when it's created. So if you want a particular sprite to always be the level start marker, you could create a text file setting the Name field to "LEVEL_START" and the Properties field to "VISIBLE=FALSE" and then when that sprite is created its Name and Properties fields would be automatically set for you.

Currently racing through my TODO list and I've nearly finished the update, but I just have a couple more hard things to implement. Shouldn't be more than a week away, I think (unless I get side-tracked with something else, which, as you all know, couldn't possibly ever happen ).


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Posted: 19th Nov 2012 17:41
Looks like my old beta testing abilities came in useful once again.

Looking forward to the update.
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2012 11:08
In your 2nd screenshot, you showed an image being tiled. I was curious to know how you went about doing that?

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Posted: 25th Nov 2012 07:51
Hey, what happened to your new "FPSC" you were making?
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Posted: 6th Dec 2012 18:40
Why NOT use the 1.08 command set? This is the latest version no?

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Posted: 11th Dec 2012 12:10
Clonkex, do you happen to have any more recent updates to PEP - perhaps ones that you have forgotten to post? (The last version is now over 6 months old and still contains many bugs.)

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2013 04:20 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2013 04:30
Quote: "In your 2nd screenshot, you showed an image being tiled. I was curious to know how you went about doing that?"

Err... *runs back to first page to check* Oh that. Yeah that's very easy. Turn on UV Lock and stretch the sprite. That's the most efficient way of creating tiled or repeating backgrounds (as opposed to creating 50 million separate sprites).

Quote: "Hey, what happened to your new "FPSC" you were making?"

Yeah, that... Well, it isn't dead. It's just slow. That's why I didn't create a WIP thread, because there's not much to show yet and development is slow.

Quote: "Why NOT use the 1.08 command set? This is the latest version no?"

I am using the very latest beta...did I say I wasn't?

Quote: "Clonkex, do you happen to have any more recent updates to PEP - perhaps ones that you have forgotten to post? (The last version is now over 6 months old and still contains many bugs.)"

I wondered how long it would be before people started complaining (not that you're really complaining as such). I never, ever forget to post a completed update. I understand several people would like to use this tool but may be stopped because of a bug or whatever so I always try really hard to get updates up as soon as they're finished.

I know it's old (really? 6 months? I'm lazy, I tell you), but as it happens, just today I got the last hard parts I'd planned for this update finished, and squashed a few more bugs. I didn't think there were LOTS of bugs, though, so if you know of any, please make a list and post it here. I'll release 1.2 before fixing any more reported bugs but then I'll make a quick 1.2.1 update if there's any that haven't been fixed by 1.2.

I will definitely and certainly post the 1.2 update within 2 hours from....NOW!!

EDIT: I just remembered that there's currently a bug in the AppGameKit that prevents using "end" from inside a subroutine...I think that's what it is. Either way I'll have to temporarily redesign the way my code works to work around this bug. This might take half an hour or so, so be patient...I mean, after 6 months with no updates I'm sure you'll be fine with waiting another hour


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Posted: 3rd Jan 2013 11:29 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2013 11:33

There you go. You finally have your long-awaited update 1.2. It may not contain all the fixes and additions you were hoping for, but I HAVE fixed all the bugs I found and all that were reported, even if some of the requested features have yet to be added.

If you know of a bug that hasn't been fixed with this update, PLEASE post a bug report on this thread, or it won't get fixed. I'll probably do a 1.2.1 maintenance release if you report another bug, so don't think it'll be another six months before it's fixed.

It took longer than a couple of hours since my last post because I found a few more bugs that were slow to fix, but...well it's here now.

Download on the first post, including changes and new additions.

Hope you like it,

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2013 17:34
I don't see any spot to download the new 1.2. I checked the first post and didn't see any. I don't see a download button in bottom right of the post either.
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Posted: 4th Jan 2013 05:36


D'oh! Very sorry, somehow forgot to actually upload the new file

Fixed now


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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 01:27 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 01:33
I have a problem setting the width and height. For some reason what I enter in width box gets transferred to the height box. In 1.2
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 03:25
Width and height of...the grid? Or sprites?

I'll look into it and release a 1.2.1 if I find the problem.


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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 04:47
For the sprites. Select a sprite go to change the width, hit ok. Then you will see that it changes the height and if you go back in the dimension will be under the height.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 12:05
Ok, that'll be easy to fix. I changed all occurrences of SizeX to Width and SizeY to Height in 1.2, so that's most likely the cause. I'll fix it tonight and upload version 1.2.1 tomorrow morning

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 12:30 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 12:31

I made an idiot mistake in 1.2: I made Width and Height work backwards in the Properties window (Width changed Height and vice versa). Kobaltic pointed this out for me (thanks ) so I fixed it.

It took me 10 seconds to start PEP, 20 seconds to confirm the bug was there and 20 seconds to fix the bug. It then took me 15 minutes to go through all the files and change the version number to 1.2.1, recompile, rezip, etc., etc. But all the same I got it uploaded faster than I thought I would

Download for 1.2.1 on the first page


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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 16:42
Too funny. You could use search and replace.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 22:41 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 22:44
Lol yes but there's at most only 3 version numbers to change in any one file; they're in lots of different files

Is that...Pikachu? Poor Pikachu! (I had to type "poor Pikachu" because my sisters were watching me...I think Homer's doing great work there )


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Posted: 19th Jan 2013 13:07
Hi Clonkex,

Great tool this placement editor. all works fine but how do you replace a level within a game (unload level 1 and load level 2)?

thanks a lot!

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Posted: 19th Jan 2013 13:30
got it:

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2013 00:27
Ah yeah sorry about that. I kinda forgot to include a function for unloading levels. But it's pretty easy.

Oh you've worked it out. Good, saves me from doing it


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Posted: 22nd Jan 2013 19:24
Hi Clonkex, great piece of software. This has replaced Tiled as a level builder in my platformer. The width/height bug fixed in 1.2.1 is still persisting for me. I have an image I'm using as a background, 1024x768. When I change any (or none) of the properties on it, PEP inverts the height and width.

To reproduce, load an image that is not square into PEP and drag it into your scene. Press the info button, don't change anything, just click OK. It will invert the width and height. Pressing the info button and OK again will set the size back. Not a big issue, just a minor glitch.

Other than that, I love this.
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Posted: 24th Jan 2013 10:54
Quote: "...great piece of software. This has replaced Tiled as a level builder in my platformer."

That's exactly the sort of news I was hoping for!

Quote: "The width/height bug fixed in 1.2.1 is still persisting for me."

Oh blast.

I hadn't noticed this problem. I bet it's just exactly the same bug as last time but in a different spot in the code.

I'll fix it ASAP. I just hope I can successfully reproduce it - there's nothing worse than not being able to reproduce a bug that a user is having trouble with

Quote: "Other than that, I love this. "


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Posted: 25th Jan 2013 19:23
Hi Clonkex,
I agree with Velector: great job, I consider this tool as standard part in the game development pipeline!

May I raise a request...

It would be very handy to have a zoom in/out button in order to see a level large then the screen!

thanks anyway
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Posted: 26th Jan 2013 07:33 Edited at: 26th Jan 2013 07:35
Quote: "I agree with Velector: great job, I consider this tool as standard part in the game development pipeline!"


Quote: "May I raise a request..."

You may...

Quote: "It would be very handy to have a zoom in/out button in order to see a level large then the screen!"

Believe it or not I've just finished implementing that. It'll be in the next non-maintenance update (1.3) after I get that reversing width/height bug fixed and release 1.2.2.

The reason I added View Zooming (remember, it's not in the current release - it'll be in 1.3) was because I went to make a game using PEP as my level builder and discovered that I needed pixel-perfect sprite placement, which I could only do if I could zoom in. So I set about the arduous task of making it work (which was way harder than I expected).

Also in version 1.3 will be sprite sheet support, for both animated and non-animated sprites and, hopefully, the long-awaited Magnetic Snap.

EDIT: View Zooming lets you zoom in AND out, just in case you thought otherwise


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Posted: 29th Jan 2013 18:29
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Posted: 5th Apr 2013 17:25 Edited at: 5th Apr 2013 17:27
2 months later and I still haven't released that 1.2.2. Well, just remember, everyone, you're getting this for FREE. Open-source stuff is allowed to have slow development

There's still a lot of stuff I'd like to add to PEP so I'll do some more work on it tomorrow. Also remember that the source code is included so if there's something you'd like to add or change or fix yourself, go for it.

No guarantees, especially since I'm spending most of my time working on CubeScape, but I might get 1.3 finished this weekend. M-A-Y-B-E.


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Posted: 18th Apr 2013 05:15
I guess 1.3 didn't make the weekend cut... ;'( Thats OK, I'm waiting patiently! ;')... I am actually planning on using this to convert my currently being developed game in GM:studio to AppGameKit, as I'm tired of some problems I am having with GM:studio such as motors on prismatic joints not working properly, meaning you can't change the speed to a - negative number and move for instance a spike trap object back up to the top, or just have it cycle up and down auto based on lower and upper limits.. Which made me have to create 2 prismatic joints with motors just to move a single spike down and then up again, deleting one and creating the other on collision with sensor boxes, a total pain if you have to do this for every spike type enemy in the 24 levels of the game.. Hopefully I can find an easier solution in AppGameKit, and I hope to reproduce the levels using PEP. So cheers, and I'm glad your using the latest betas for development.. Also, is there any simple one room examples showing level loading, object moving, w/ physics done for PEP?? and is the example code and loader only for Tier 1 or Tier 2 support also?

Sorry to hit you with so much at once:

Thanks again,

StOrM3 aka Ken.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2013 15:31 Edited at: 18th Apr 2013 17:38
Quote: "I guess 1.3 didn't make the weekend cut..."

Unfortunately, no, but I did get a lot of work done over that weekend. I've been working on voxel terrain plugin for DBPro most recently, but I suppose I should finish that latest PEP update. You've given me the kick in the butt I needed. Thanks

Quote: "I am actually planning on using this to convert my currently being developed game in GM:studio to AppGameKit, as I'm tired of some problems I am having with GM:studio"

A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. I was working on a fun project in Multimedia Fusion 2 (MMF2 is a lot like GM:Studio, which I also own) and decided it wasn't working well enough and easily enough in MMF2, so I decided to create it in AGK. I went to create the levels in PEP and instantly realised I needed several new features, so I quickly added view zooming (for pixel-perfect sprite placement...don't worry, it also zooms out ) and then....well, the project died because I never got around to finishing the update for PEP

Quote: "Also, is there any simple one room examples showing level loading, object moving, w/ physics done for PEP?"

Yup, it's the one and only example. It just shows some physics balls rolling down some ramps. If you want a demo showing how to set up and use a character placed in PEP and controlled by physics, I'll add one to 1.3. I think AppGameKit will work well for the kind of game you described.

Quote: "Which made me have to create 2 prismatic joints with motors just to move a single spike down and then up again, deleting one and creating the other on collision with sensor boxes, a total pain if you have to do this for every spike type enemy in the 24 levels of the game"

Oh what a pain! AppGameKit will definitely simplify this for you, particularly if you use PEP with it....and even more likely once I get 1.3 out

Quote: "I'm glad your using the latest betas for development"

I think it's important because it will (hopefully) ensure the levels will look identical when loaded into your AppGameKit game.

Quote: "and is the example code and loader only for Tier 1 or Tier 2 support also?"

The example and loader are both Tier 1; it didn't occur to me to write a Tier 2 copy of both. Since I also know C++ I'll add a Tier 2 loader and example in 1.3. Yet more things to do....

Quote: "Sorry to hit you with so much at once:"

No problem, I needed that jolt to get me back into PEP-coding mode. I hope to convince TGC to include PEP in the official build of AppGameKit to replace their old placement editor. I can't ask them to do that until 1.3 is finished because there's still a couple of bugs in 1.2.1.

In case you're even vaguely interested, I've stopped working on CubeScape (which probably wouldn't sell well because it's "just another Minecraft clone") in favour of a new game which will take full advantage of the voxel terrain plugin that I'm writing for DBPro. It'll be a sort of 3D Clonk, but with no Clonk IP for legal reasons. If you hadn't noticed, Clonk is where I got my nickname. It was my overall favourite game for a long time and is still one of favourites.

EDIT: I thought it might be interesting to have a look at my TODO list. Here you go, the unchanged, uncensored TODO list

EDIT2: All the stuff in current is what has to be completed before I can release 1.3. Now you see why it takes so long. And I usually add more little fiddly things that have to be fixed as I go.


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Posted: 19th Apr 2013 10:48

You may want to rethink the license that prohibits the sale of PEP, especially if you are wanting TGC to think about including it inside of AppGameKit, as then it will in sort of a way be resold for profit..

Just be careful, on which license you choose, and how it is worded..

I hope this helps your decision a little about the license, I'm here to help test / sort out other features if you need some help, but then I already mentioned that before..


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Posted: 19th Apr 2013 13:32

I wondered if you'd notice that bit

Well, first of all, the license I was thinking of choosing simply prohibits selling PEP as the primary product; it would 100% allow PEP to be included alongside something being sold. However, I thought about it some more and completely changed my mind a few minutes after posting that. I actually decided to go for the opposite kind of license. I've decided to go with this one (which is less restrictive than the current license:

It simply means that anyone that wishes to redistribute PEP must attribute me as the original author in a manner I specify (which I'll do when I release 1.3 - it'll be extremely unrestricting, just my name in the credits or a file in the folder saying something like "Blah uses PEP by David Hynd").

All I want to do is prevent people taking my work and claiming it as their own (not that I think that's likely to happen, I'd just like to cover my backside ). They can claim to have made modifications to the work as much as they like as long as they say I'm the original author


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Posted: 1st May 2013 08:09

sounds and looks good so far, hope this works out, I need a steady map / sprite / physics editor for current game porting..

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