ALL DarkBASIC games, and some other commercial games (Max Payne, Sega GT...) sprites are shown to be half the quality they should be. It looks as if the sprites have been stretched badly, but they are the correct size - it's just that the pixels have been doubled or even quadroupled in size, and made the hole game look bad quality.
At first I thought it was just my bad programming skills, but then saw that the problem was in EVERYBODY's games that I have downloaded from this webiste. I have a Voodoo 3 graphics card and the latest Direct X... Can someone PLEASE help me with this one, cos I can't programme in DarkBASIC very easily until I can figure it out.
P.S. 3D models and bitmaps show perfectly, it's just sprites that look bad.
Truly wize men never play leapfrog with unicorns...