Tutorial for the official Guide, just apply it to the jets
Van/Object Throw by Nickydude
In Half Life 2, zombies can throw things at you like barrels or cars, well here’s a way to simulate a thrown car
which can really be effective if it comes flying towards the player from out of the dark! Another idea for this is
to have say, a body part, thrown from an alcove as you walk down a corridor. There are lots of things you can
do with this once you know the method.
Before I describe how to do it, take a look at the YouTube video so you can see exactly what the effect will look
like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05CDPR7r-rY
This effect uses a collision mode (for want of a better term) that states that a dynamic object cannot be placed
into a solid static object without the dynamic object being pushed away from it (eh?). Take a look at the
following screen shot (over the page) so see what on earth I’m going on about:
The Official Community Guide to FPS Creator – Revision 3 Page 134
As you can see, the car is partially inside the container (the ‘thrower’), the container is static while the car is
dynamic, now, when the game starts, FPSC will automatically throw the car away from the container. The
static object doesn’t have to be a container it could be anything, a barrel, a box, even a plank of wood. There
are a few things you have to mess around with in order to make it look good:
Trigger Zone – Create a trigger zone near where you want the player to set off the object, have the
Main script as plrinzoneactivateused.fpi and in the ‘If Used’ put the name of the object to be thrown.
Spawn only when needed – Make sure you change ‘Spawn At Start?’ to ‘No’ and ‘Maximum Spawn’
to ‘1’ otherwise the object will be thrown long before the player gets to it!
Lighting – If you want something thrown straight at the player (like a vehicle) then you’ll have to hide
the thrower. Placing it in a pitch black area is ideal.
Weight – Lower the weight of the object being thrown if it’s heavy (like a vehicle) for longer throws.
Friction – Also lower the friction, this will allow the thrown object to ‘skid’ more across the floor.
Or go to pg. 133 of the guide to see it with pictures