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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Gate Commander

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Posted: 18th Mar 2012 23:03 Edited at: 21st Mar 2012 17:13

Gate Commander is a wave defence FPS set in the 'Stargate SG1' world. You play the character Colonel Jack O'neill as he fights wave after wave of 'replicators', small robots that are infinite in number. You must hold them back whilst the base staff can evacuate the facility.

Developer: ToffeeMouse
Version: FPSC X9 V1.18.017
Contact Info:


Title Screen

Loading Screen

Gate Room, Spawn

Gate Room

Gate Room, Far End

Cheyenne Mountain Complex Corridor

Armoury Access

Armoury Interior


As of current, 'Gate Commander' uses: Rolfys' Health Hud script, ConjuredEntertainments' Currency Script. Stargate Model by Lord Millenium, textured for use by Starmind001. - Thank you those listed above.


GateCommander is currently in the Pre-Alpha stage.


A lot of work has been done, but there is even more to do. I have created this thread at a very early stage to generate interest and to provide a place for myself to list bugs and to host a to-do list.

I have been an owner of FPSC since its release but ashamedly have never produced a single notable game, GateCommander represents my first project. I am reluctant to use the word "first" as with it comes images of those who upload vanilla fpsc single-roomed games onto this W.I.P board, but not GateCommander, this is different. I have learnt much on my journey over the years and this is going to be the pinnacle of my game creation journey. That being said, I have a lot to learn, especially on the scripting front - many of you may have seen my threads in the script forum - I do try, but I am utterly helpless.

This thread is also to consolodate ideas, listen to suggestions, recruit in depth Alpha testers and to, in the distant future, host a beta test. The project will definately need help from the community, scripts, ideas, textures perhaps - I will post a rough list and if you would like to have a piece of your work in this project that would be excellent, there is much that needs to be done!

Why Stargate? I have always wanted to create a stargate themed game, and at the time 'SG1' was a popular series. I do not enjoy the spin offs such as Atlantis or Universe, nor the poorly created mods for games such as half life. I love the original and this is why GateCommander is set in that period. That being said, this game should be great fun for those who know nothing about the series.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thread, I include a pre-alpha Demo for you to download and test out, and a video for those who would just like to see how it 'plays'.


The pre-alpha is riddled with countless bugs and glitches owing to the fact that the game has yet to be completed. Please treat it as such and hold any bug reports until the alpha test. Known bugs of this demo version: "Replicators" turn invisible after respawn, player starts outside level 10% of the time, G36 is very loud, music is not working.- if you know a solution for these listed glitches, please let me know!

(How do you embed?)

Pre Alpha Demo

Pre Alpha Demo Information:
Filesize: 99.82mb. If you spawn on the roof hit new game and click through the introduction video - you float upwards whilst it is playing, who knows why!. When replicators die they come back as just a shadow(bug). Although their max-spawn is set to 25, when many replicators are present you will see a framerate drop, so kill them in good time. The health hud works about 5% of the time, it is meant to go through 12 pictures of O'neill progressively getting hurt but tends to go from image one to 12. You earn one token (top right) per kill, and 100 for a mini-boss kill. As mini bosses are not implimented yet I have put a cash entity infront of the G36c so you can trial the system. If you cant play the demo, dont worry, it is just a very, very, very rough version slapped up to generate interest and improved versions will follow. - Thanks

Treat the pre-alpha as a scenery demonstration.


=In Progress

12 stage health image HUD
Currency to buy weapons, gained through kills
Realistic Enviroment*
Request Naquadah barrel drops via gate
Ammo spawns around level
Purchasable G36
Gate Room
Access Corridors
Command Centre
Custom Images for ammo spawns
Purchasable P90
Purchasable MCS80
Body Armour
Naquadah Drops come more than once
Custom sounds for player and entitys
Radio in from other SG team members when ammo spawns
A practical Iris
Naquadah Barrel Animation texture
High Scores, or a visible timer
Player must pay to open doors
Commission a community member to model, texture and animate a replicator that does not get stuck on floors!
*True to the original SGC
**Has been experimented with, may not be possible in conjunction with the 'cash' script.


This list contains features I would like to impliment but that are beyond my skill level of current:

-Texture the Naquadah barrel so the green inside is animated
-Body Armour script only provides a damper of 100 and does not decay
-Script a reusable lever, so that the Naquadah spawn can be reused (but at a cost)
-A model of the crate currently used to hold ammo, so that the ammo is in a slight dip in the crate rather than on top as it is.
-SGC dead staff models, to litter the enviroment to make it feel more immersive.


If you know how to fix these bugs I would be very grateful:

-Replicators are invisible when they respawn
-Replicators get stuck on walls, floors, entities and dont remap a route
-ErrantAI's G36 is incredibly loud, how does one lower the sound?
-Player spawns on roof, possibly due to video zone covering start point. Is there a solution that plays video but doesnt give this ill side effect?


Thanks for reading, please pop any realistic ideas you have below and I will try my hardest to put them in the game. Bug reports and critisisms of the current demo should be reserved for when I release an Alpha - things are wrong at the moment and I am working hard to fix them. - However if you can suggest ways to improve the scenes realism (in this case looking similar to the actual SGC set) i am all ears, although I have taken some liberties to save frame rate as it stands.

GateCommander Developer,




Command room complete. Full level blueprint posted below:

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Posted: 18th Mar 2012 23:36
Hmmm... Very cool idea Toffeemouse. Ill download the demo and give it a bash.

Looking forward to playing this, I was a fan of SG1 when the series came out years ago.

Landman - Digital Art Community | - My Creative Blog
starmind 001
FPSC Reloaded Backer
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Posted: 19th Mar 2012 02:57
I played your demo and I think you have a great idea here. There are a few things I would like to you look into. One is spawning and the other is more interaction. I realize you are just starting on this, so only take this as pointers for continuing on.

For your spawning issue take a look at this post on doing waves of enemies to give the player time to reload, look for new items to collect and stuff you want the player to move to.

For the invisible spawns change the appear script to appear2 and that should work. If that does not work then you will need to change the shader that it uses to something like bump or bumprev.

Now for you problem for the robot going below the ground or sticking, this is an easy fix without changing the bones. In the character's fpe add this " raisefactor = 1" under " ;orientation". The raisefactor can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Quote: "Commission a community member to model, texture and animate "

If you need me you know where to find me, but you have to acknowledge what I do for you and that is all I require from anybody on the forums.

Good work overall! Who ever did that stargate did a really good job as it really made the game.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2012 13:41 Edited at: 19th Mar 2012 13:44
What good is a stargate game without a stargate? Thanks Starmind.

I have been reluctant to ask around for people to create a replicator entity as it looks like a task and a half, but if you are available to do it that would be amazing - the robo spider at the moment is good for testing but i'm sure a real replicator would add so much more. I reckon it would have to be pretty low poly to prevent framerate issues, but then again it is only the "entity logic" resource bar that seems to be full when 25 are present at the same time. If only I could use X10's instancing feature in x9.

Quote: "or the invisible spawns change the appear script to appear2 and that should work. If that does not work then you will need to change the shader that it uses to something like bump or bumprev."

-Before uploading the demo I did a search and tried appear2 and both having the bump.fx and no effect. Going into it now to test bumprev, if that fails I will go through every effect systematically. Thanks for the raise factor tip, hopefully they will be able to clear the corridor now.

Having a look at the Zombies link, and for now rather than having a single entity which spawns 5-8 times every 500-750 on the timer, I will place five entities and use 'ifused' to spawn the next in the queue to simulate five waves. (For now), when the scene is complete I will work on it in depth.


As for making the player move around the map - it has been a big question and there were many ways to go about it. Originally I was going to have weapons in each room similar to COD:BO but instead I built the armoury as a "shop", and have ammo spawning in crates around the level to encourage the player to move rather than camp.

The only other interactive element is the naquadah barrel that comes through the gate, at current replicators have 5 health and the guns range from 7 to 30 damage which isn't very high at all. After X waves a boss entity spawns with 250 health and the barrel spawn is a great way to kill them. (The idea being the player requests barrels and pre-positions them across the map before the boss arrives).

I am looking into ways of making the game more interactive, health will not spawn or regenerate, but armour and grenades will be set on a very long, random timer in two of the supply crates around the map - adding to places the player must visit outside the armoury or gate room. -As for command centre, I dont know what will be inside to encourage the player to go there, but it's very early days. Perhaps the ammo spawn for the G36.

Should the ammo spawn around the area, or should it be purchasable? Thats another one of those game design questions that I dont know the answer to until I post a alpha/beta and get some feedback.

I also need something else made starmind, its pretty basic and trivial but it will help realism: The ammo crates are flat-topped due to the crates square mesh, they are meant to be hollow boxes with straw inside containing ammo. At the moment the ammo sits ontop of the box but if i had a mesh with a small hollow, it would look a little better.

Current crate, Texture Attatched:
Mesh: entitybank\ww2\furnitureb\cratec


Quote: "Looking forward to playing this, I was a fan of SG1 when the series came out years ago. "

Thanks for the support landman, I have seen your WIP game and it looks revolutionary.



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Posted: 19th Mar 2012 14:06
Very good work man! this game just adds to the other games I have been watching lately.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2012 17:11
Thanks for the support da,

Today the command room has been finished. The various monitors around the room need to be retextured individually and perhaps some of the stock media - fortunately it seems to look like the real SG deal as standard anyway.

Here is the complete level layout:

Runs at 60fps on a GTX480 on a machine that is pre DDR3 and I5 & 7. So good news. Only framerate issues are caused by entity logic when 10 or more replicators are present, but that is a hurdle for the future.

I have been using this resource to structure the base:

Next job is to sort out the weaponry. Currenly EAI's P90 is being a bit glitchy, the audio is not synched to the gun when hip firing. Im guessing it may be early-airmod as there is no modeled red dot, rather it has a blank hole in the sight, so when you zoom in it still uses the regular crosshair. Which is an issue because I am removing all crosshairs from this game.

Model pack 5/6's P90 is no use either. Will need to find a workaround, cant have a SG game without a p90.

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Posted: 21st Mar 2012 17:42 Edited at: 21st Mar 2012 18:04
dont want to be the killjoy here, so just to mention:

even if its free and an indiegame, its thin ice to use original models, names, setups and scenes/photos out of such a big franchise as sg without permission of the copyrightholders.

maybe nothing ever will happen, but i just want to remind you of the copyright-facts, especially that you want to use this franchise to push your game, may it be here or youtube or anywhere else declared as a "SG1 - game".

maybe there is a fan-license anywhere around sg1 as it is with starwars, worth a look, maybe you can get free original footage there.

Quote: "ErrantAI's G36 is incredibly loud, how does one lower the sound?"

search sound (gamecore/guns/ of the weapon-folder), take a sound-editor (audacity is free and good) and resample the sound as loud as you wish, then resave (make a savety copy before editing, most soundeditors work destructive).

Quote: "Replicators are invisible when they respawn"

use v119 or try appear2.fpi.

Quote: "SGC dead staff models, to litter the enviroment to make it feel more immersive."

search officer-models (free or via tgc-store), retexture them to sg1 and let load them into a 3d-prog and choose the animationframe how they should appear. set this as startframe and delete all others. save it as static x-file and use standard-entityfile to set them up for fpsc. place as statics to save performance.

Quote: "Replicators get stuck on walls, floors, entities and dont remap a route"

wich mainscript you use? pace10 and melee10 maybe the right choice for main/shoot, but you have to test. also everytime a question of leveldesign to avoid critical ways for the entities. and you can check for collisionmode of the single entities where you get problems. the spiders/small creatures may use box-collision for best results, they are so small and have no head its irrelevant where you hit them.

Quote: "Player spawns on roof, possibly due to video zone covering start point. Is there a solution that plays video but doesnt give this ill side effect?"

never place mediascripts (musiv/video) on start- or savepoints.
you will get in trouble that finalbuild will crash, levels wont load etc. try to avoid this and play video in loadingscreen or think of other solutions.

gz & good luck


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Posted: 23rd Mar 2012 01:17
Quote: "dont want to be the killjoy here, so just to mention:

even if its free and an indiegame, its thin ice to use original models, names, setups and scenes/photos out of such a big franchise as sg without permission of the copyrightholders.

maybe nothing ever will happen, but i just want to remind you of the copyright-facts, especially that you want to use this franchise to push your game, may it be here or youtube or anywhere else declared as a "SG1 - game".

maybe there is a fan-license anywhere around sg1 as it is with starwars, worth a look, maybe you can get free original footage there."

I am aware of the risks, this game is strictly a personal project to improve my skill and the it is unlikely an .exe will leave the TGC forums. At the drop of a hat it can be made private.

In 2007 a stargate game won an internal competition here and became quite popular:

Things should be ok.

Thanks for the help in other matters, the replicators are set on appear2 but no luck. I have also tried using every effect in the whole bank, still an invisible problem. When it is complete I will try compiling in v119.

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