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Folks there is a brand new Very serious virus that just came out last night. Microsoft Security Essentials actually asked me if they could get the files to find a fix.
Yes I am still a lvl 4 MS Developer.
I GOT THIS VIEWING A HOW TO VIDEO for a new 3D program!
It got past Trend Micro and comodo.
While I do not have a way to kill this yet. I do have a "FIX"
1. Set a system restore point EVERY WEEK.
2. Get Sysinternals Process Explorer
3. Get autoruns.exe
The Virus is in multable forms. exe.exe becomes GWOS2X6Yxp6GP.exe
it replacates it self in 4 places in your computer. And places 53 installers scattered through the system.
What it does.
First it REBOOTS your computer
Once rebooted..
You will see a Windows Control panel pop up that says you have serious errors.
Your hard drive is bad and you have lost drive C:
You have lost your C boot.ini
Your memory is overheating and is frying.
Your write back is erroring and 15 popups display.
More POPups. saying do something fast as your Drivers are corrupt
It Hides all files on your computer. So if you click any program you get nothing.
If you click Program Files you get some of your program but they do nothing.
Explorer shows all drives are empty.
The Virus's fix is to click a small button to upgrade Windows Control Panel to the PRO version for 49.95.
It is a SCAM! However you have lost your computer. It is totally useless.
NOW there is something you can do.
First have autoruns.exe on the taskbar, uncheck exe.exe
Next reboot. AS SOON as you see the Windows screen start to load you CLICK Start CLICK and click on Sysinternals Process Explorer. If you do not click fast enough the Virus takes control again and you will need to reboot.
You use Sysinternals Process Explorer to scroll to cmd.com and right click to open it.
Explorer will actually open to Windows system32
scroll to restore.exe double click to open restore and pick the newest restore point.
It took me 12 hours for restore to get me back. But then I run a LOT of Development Programs and web server.
You will find that many programs will not behave properly as their permissions have been changed to the Virus's control. Just open Explorere right click Drive C and open Properties then the security tab. Then Edit Then click your user name and change the settings by clicking all the boxes and then click apply and go eat lunch while it changes all your files back.
OR go buy a new computer as this one is toast.
They contol everything. Not even a windows repair or a flash boot would get me in. BUT I did get in and some tools would work from a flash drive for a while. But they seem to keep scanning for new drives and after 20 minutes that flash drive would show NO FILES.
But removing it and inserting a new one then back to my tools flash drive would work again.
Life is a short trip to another world