It started over this past summer. Occasionally, I'd leave my computer on for long periods of time and come back only to find that not only would my IP address be lost, it could not be renewed unless I either unplugged my connection or rebooted. As of late, if I walk away from my computer for maybe an hour, or even when I've just booted it up, I won't be able to connect. I'll click "DarkBASIC Pro Forums" on my links bar - nothing. Then, I'll try and it'll be fine. What the heck is up with this? Sometimes my IP address can't even be renewed!
Here's the deal. I'm going through a home network...we have a 128K ADSL line split three ways through a netgear router. My dad and brother never have this problem, JUST ME. Any ideas would be appreciated...
Team EOD :: Programmer/Storyboard Assistant