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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 17:01 Edited at: 8th May 2012 23:34
Title: Bosnae

Developer: djeronimo

FPSC version: X9


During the Middle Ages, Turkish troops occupied Bosnia. One Bosnian queen gave a huge Turkish army unseen resistance. For months the Turks tried to conquer her castle. After losing hundreds of soldiers, Sultat Mehmet-El-Fatih sent his spies to track down the traitor who will betray the secret of the impregnable tower. They found an old grandmother surname Dedic who told them that the tower is supplied with water through a secret underground channels. The Turks cut off the water channels, and after a while the knights of the Bosnian queen began to drop away. The Queen refused to surrender to the Turks and threw herself with her two sons from the highest tower.The player is in the role of the queen's fiance Dinka - The Hawk. Dinko is aimed at the ruined castle to find an amulet and to take it to the supreme druid called "Did". Did will be using this amulet to check if the queen is on the other side of life and whether it is still hope for her?

Description: Linear, partially SandBox.

Weapons: Crossbow, Magic gloves, oil bombsUser can use in-game objects like barrels, furniture, etc. to create obstacles and ambushes. Some objects are explosive.

More info to come

Submitted to intel level up 2011, finger crossed.
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Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posted: 16th Apr 2012 22:50
Ohohoh, ima nas Bosanaca ovdje. To mi je čudno, ali na engleskom ćemo ipak
Very interesting story and you can create great game on this concept. We can't see many games from this genre. In this screen there's hole in the corner, try to put something in there. Also if you have diffrent segments for floor, it will be much better. And last suggestion is to try lower little bit lights.
Keep it up.

PS. Iz Zenice sam.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2012 23:28
Neka nas, neka nas

Thank you for suggestions and your support. Yes, you are right about floor. Will do.

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Posted: 17th Apr 2012 00:42
Looks good so far.

As for the lighting, lowering them depends entirely on what atmosphere you're going for with this game. All too often I see people commenting about the lighting in a game, without taking into account the game's atmosphere - not all games need to be pitch black and scarey...

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Posted: 17th Apr 2012 01:50
Yeah Bruce but as you can see it's night on this scene and it would be good to lower the little bit maybe ambience if not lights.

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Posted: 17th Apr 2012 02:19
As we say in Scotland (not really, it was in a Scottish song!);

"It was a braw, bricht, moon licht nicht the nicht!"

Translated; "It was a beautifull, bright moonlit night tonight".

The light IMO matches the moonlit skybox.

If anything it could do with some torches with flames hanging on some of the walls. Maybe a bright light marker placed high up behind that wall where the moon is, to create a shadow in the courtyard...

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Posted: 17th Apr 2012 21:56
"torches with flames", great idea bruce3371. Thank you
Delusional Games
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Posted: 3rd May 2012 21:55
Nije lose, svidja mi se.
Update us with some more screenshot.
I`m really interested in this game.


My paragon is not on the poster, its in the mirror.
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Posted: 6th May 2012 05:50
Hej, bio sam razmisljati o izradi igru o bosanskom ratu. No, buduci da imamo Srbe, i Bosnjaci ovdje, odlucio sam da ne to uciniti, buduci da moze napraviti neki ljudi ljuti.

English Translation - Hey, I was thinking about making a game about the Bosnian War. But since we have Serbs,and Bosnians here, I decided not to do it since it might make some people angry.

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Posted: 8th May 2012 00:43 Edited at: 8th May 2012 01:20
Hello to all.

Here are some updates about "Bosnae". I'm testing some new levels and environments.


Some Concept Art for "Bosnae" (if this is inappropriate for this forum I will apologize and remove pictures):

Otoman knight (Boss fight in 2nd level)

Level II environment
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Posted: 8th May 2012 23:25 Edited at: 8th May 2012 23:36
Android (AGK) version as a teaser maybe, for FPSC version:
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Posted: 9th May 2012 17:59
The newest FPSC Screens of your game are looking very nice
Keep on it

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Posted: 9th May 2012 19:22
Looking good

Ross tra damus
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Posted: 9th May 2012 23:49
Loving the look of this and the Theme and hope to see this develop further.
All the best of luck with this.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 24th May 2012 09:22
Looking good! The last FPSC picture in the inside looks too bland with it's pure yellow lighting and all. But otherwise, it's looking very good! I always love to see some fantasy/medieval games around!

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