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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] And Then They Came...

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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 05:48 Edited at: 29th Apr 2012 22:28

Developer: Astek

Genre: Action/Horror/Suspense

FPSC Version: v1.19 Final


Your Apartment

Outdoor Scaffolding


Someone Is At The Door...

Story (W.I.P):

I didn't believe them. I never listened to a single word they said. Zombie apocalypse? Get real. I will wait out the panic and disorder in my apartment.
It should all boil over within a week. Everything will return back to normal.

One week has gone by.

All television stations and radio broadcasts have ceased to exist. The streets are filled with undead and their numbers grow larger with every idle minute that passes. I can hear them just outside my window and outside my door. There must be hundreds. I look to my t.v to hear one last broadcast.

"The government has relinquished all power and authority to military control," says the emotionless robotic voice. "Martial law has been declared."

Fear sank into my heart.

Now here I sit in my apartment. I can hear loud banging from outside my room and next door in my neighbors apartment. Is the military evacuating the stragglers? I'm low on supplies. I was never prepared for this. Are they here to get me... to lead me out of here? They sound pretty aggressive. Do I answer the door? What do they want with me? What will they do with me?

It's time to find out.


Welcome to the end of the world as you know it. ATTC is an Action/Horror/Suspense game that will thrust you into a cross-ways of several oppressive forces. Not only are you avoiding zombie contact, you are being hunted by a moral-less military force. You will come in contact with other survivors but who can you trust? In the apocalypse, its every man for himself. You are on your own. Master the art of survival as you salvage supplies and look for ways to get your predator's before they get you.

ATTC is a multi-genre adventure that will test your ability to survive. Being shot once means certain death. It's hardcore rules in this game. Survival is top priority and your brain is your number one asset. Use it.

Comments and criticisms are welcome.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 06:27
I had a good look at these screenshots,

great work. I want to give this one a play!

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Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posted: 28th Apr 2012 15:46
Great game again Astek. Really like your style.
I have one stuff to mention and I'm not sure that I'm right, is right one that you wrote "enviroment" or "environment" ?

-In trouble you know a hero;
-If you don't start, you won't finish;
-Without suffering, there is no learning.
Dark Frager
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 17:05
Quote: "I had a good look at these screenshots,
+ Code Snippet"

Haha! Thanks for making my day, Bugsy.

Those screenshots look amazing, ASTEK. But I think you should turn the grain shader (or whatever you're using) down a bit

Fruitella's a badman sweet, do you get me?
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 18:26
just two worts: "awesome work"
i would like to play your game

Yes, i´m a noob, but i like it
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 19:32 Edited at: 28th Apr 2012 19:33
Quote: "I have one stuff to mention and I'm not sure that I'm right, is right one that you wrote "enviroment" or "environment" ?"

Thanks for pointing that out. I misspelled it on accident. I've fixed it now.

Quote: "But I think you should turn the grain shader (or whatever you're using) down a bit"

I can respect that statement. I kind of like it where it is but only because it doesn't look as bad in action then when in still-frame. I will play around with it.

Quote: "i would like to play your game"

Awesome. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm hoping to get some testers.

Quote: "great work. I want to give this one a play!"

...but, you already have. DUN DUN DUHHHHHH!

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 20:28
I mean play the full version

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Posted: 28th Apr 2012 21:13 Edited at: 29th Apr 2012 00:01
Quote: "Awesome. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm hoping to get some testers."

i cross my fingers

send me a mail if i should test it! i´m happy to do this (i´m a hard critic)

Yes, i´m a noob, but i like it
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Posted: 29th Apr 2012 00:39 Edited at: 29th Apr 2012 00:45

This is Bunny. For whatever reason, she didn't evacuate the city like yourself. You don't know much about her, except she has an obvious thing for pink. She looks around your age and you find her actually kind of cute. Bunny isn't just your average damsel in distress. She seems like she can hold her own. She's held out for at least a week that you know of. You don't doubt her ability to take care of herself, so why has she just "appeared" in your life?

Is she friend? Is she foe? And why does she know so much about you? So many questions to be answered.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 06:10

Quote: "i cross my fingers

send me a mail if i should test it! i´m happy to do this (i´m a hard critic) "

I might wait and hold out til I can release a public demo. I'm still contemplating my options.

PC Specs: AMD X4 2.7Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia 9800GT, Win. 7 Pro 64 Bit
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Posted: 2nd May 2012 18:45
Quote: "I might wait and hold out til I can release a public demo. I'm still contemplating my options."

it´s ok! i have time to wait! and of course i would give you a report
if my stupid notebook can handle with your game

Yes, i´m a noob, but i like it
Brendy boy
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Posted: 3rd May 2012 01:47
Quote: "Screenshot:"

very cool

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