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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] The Mothership Dev Thread [V119 COMPETITION]

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Posted: 4th May 2012 04:46 Edited at: 6th May 2012 07:59
I was going to make this yesterday but was too tired to, so as promised from when I got back from my fieldtrip to the courthouse, here is the thread.

Story: You awake on a alien mothership, Still dazed from earlier events which were you fighting for your life when a robotic being tried stabbing you in the arm with some needle. You realize they took away your suit and any identification of yourself, so you decide your first priority is find out what they did with your gear and retrieve it if possible. You begin in your holding cell, with the robotic being knocked out.

This game is suppose to be a puzzle shooter, so expect the out of the ordinary tasks to solve. Created mainly for the v119 competition and for me to have something fun to do.

In game photos [Alpha] (NOTICE: Any "Stock" items/ Items from model packs you see are subject to either change/ removal/ or a re-texture, and are basically there as place holder so I can get a idea as to what a particular scene should look like.) But no really please comment on these, i am not saying do not comment, i encourage your feedback.

[Replaced with vent tubes, but same room design]

[Exterior to the holding cells]

I realize That it is hard to judge something good enough with two photo's but Expect some more soon. Enjoy.

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Posted: 5th May 2012 00:03
Great to see another entry!

Will be good to see what you've got planned for all the script commands. Good luck!

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Posted: 6th May 2012 08:08
Yup, i hope i can pull off the whole Gravity Gun assembler scene right, and other bits and pieces.

And i almost forgot, after this competition i will probably expand on this game, can't guarentee where it will end up but the assets i will probably just give away for free as a thank you.

Back to brainstorming the assembler

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Posted: 7th May 2012 06:38
Great work! I love the non-standard sci-fi look with the blue theme and everything! I still have to finish the plan for my game....really hard to think of something unique that FPSC can actually manage


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Posted: 12th May 2012 09:09
Bad news gentlemen: my laptop hard drive died so I am having my hard drive cloned and it's contents put on a bigger 1TB hard drive, however there is a chance it could not work. IF it does not work I will have to pull out of the competition.

Hopefully I can still stay in this.


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Posted: 15th May 2012 01:41
Mods please lock this, all assets towards this project have been corrupted and as a result I can't continue this.

Hard drive bit the dust and kept overheating when trying to transfer the assets.

I have let you all down

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 15th May 2012 01:59

You haven't let us down your hard drive has and I'm sorry to hear it has.
This has happened to me on a few occasions but I keep soldiering on.

Best of luck to you for the future.
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Posted: 15th May 2012 18:02
no copies on externals?

thats a hard one to hear. i lost content of around a week 2 months ago when harddrive crashes, but safety-drive is worth the investment (wich is not that much), believe me. i would flog myself until crying if i would have lost more than the week-stuff.^^

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Posted: 16th May 2012 16:15
Ok...maybe I need to do backups more often....I didn't realise harddrives could be so unreliable. I also have a laptop which means it might be more prone to a crash than a PC.


I'd kill myself if I lost more than a day's work.


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Posted: 16th May 2012 21:00 Edited at: 16th May 2012 21:01
Well, as long as you don't drop it while the hard drive is running, you should be fine.

Not sure why my laptop did not turn off and how i dropped it -_-
Anyhow i got a good 30% of my resources back (Programs i use) so once i get to 50% i can start remaking the assets for this, still trying to remember my 3ds max email

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Posted: 19th May 2012 04:36
Still want this locked?

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Posted: 22nd May 2012 00:21
You can leave it unlocked actually, I will let it drift down and when I am ready, I will re post the new content and ask for all the comments to be wiped.

Current Project: The Underground: Awakening

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