I'm an ol' skool geek. I grew up with C64's and Spectrums all around me at my friends places. Here is a fast paced keyboard test game. It currently only supports the lower characters a - z, but that's pretty enough as it is.
Anyways have a good time.
set text font "Arial":Set text size 24
do:cls rgb(128,128,0):repeat:text 20,20, "Relase any keys pressed":until scancode() = 0
cls rgb(128,0,0):text 20,20, "Stand by...":wait 200+int(rnd(300))
cls rgb(0,128,0):a$ = chr$(97+int(rnd(25))):text 20,20, "Ok press "+a$:repeat until inkey$()=a$:sync:LOOP
Best regards
Johan Brodd