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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Lure (Complete overhaul)

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Posted: 19th May 2012 21:40 Edited at: 19th May 2012 21:42

First I want to address the anxiety underlying your concerned, Lure was an old project of mine. Due to some reasons I had to quit it. And now: ITS BACK!. Back with an complete overhaul. Since there wasn't a real good storytelling. I will focus on making it a fun, yet creepy and puzzling shooter game.

Situation Report

You play as Rik de Groot, Dutch security guard who was re-assigned to an American research facility.
Somewhat troubled by the fact that he is send to the US, he steps into the helicopter to the facility which lies in the heart of the States. once arrived he got a dormitory assigned to him. and then been send to duty immediately.
During a test fire of hin Glock 22, a jam occurred and he was send to the weapons smith for repairs. Once he arrived, a blow was struck to his head, leaving him unconscious. Next thing he sees upon waking up, is that all the weapon shelf's are empty and that he has been stripped of his weapons.

The game will consist out of 4 chapters. Each with there own puzzling problem. Since this is my first LEGIT attempt to make it to the Showcase (that means releasing it!) board.


Comments & Critics Welcome!


Its a state of mind.
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Posted: 19th May 2012 22:52
Nice! Remember to use Illuminationmap.fx! and some of the textures look bad, like the floor the last sreenshots, and so does the light in the last one.

Peace is the happy, natural state of man; war corruption, his disgrace.
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Posted: 20th May 2012 14:53
Quote: "[quote]Nice! Remember to use Illuminationmap.fx! and some of the textures look bad, like the floor the last sreenshots, and so does the light in the last one."

Thanks for the C&C I am searching to find a texture to replace the segments on the last 2 Screenshots but I can not find the right one.

Still thanks for the advice

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Posted: 20th May 2012 21:17
I absolutely love what you did in the second screenshot with the shadow, I have not seen it done before.

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Posted: 21st May 2012 14:26
Looking nice mate!

I see you have come a long way since your earlier days.

I like the lighting in the screens, very illuminated in the centre of the room, but, stray to far from the light and something will get you!
Very cool.

I quite like the texture of the floor in the last few screens, you are obviously upstairs, so, a dirt or tarmac texture wouldn't really make sense inside. I like the tiles.

Anyway, keep it up mate. I will be watching this one.


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Posted: 22nd May 2012 21:08
Quote: "I absolutely love what you did in the second screenshot with the shadow, I have not seen it done before."

Thank you. in fact, the shadow is part of the storyline. Only the player has to discover it by himself.

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Posted: 22nd May 2012 22:16 Edited at: 22nd May 2012 22:27
Level 1 overhaul.

I overhauled level one to be bigger, and thus giving me more storytelling time before you drop into level 2. Here are some screenshots.

Hope you like it. Despite the fact that the cool Shadow of the man doesn't appear in this level. Stay tuned!


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Posted: 23rd May 2012 01:13
People from the netherlands shouldn't make games, they smell too much like french fries


Kidding! I love the netherlands, especially the beachbars on your coasts

Your work shows a lot of "things done right, but its missing a certain impact"

Try to make scenes that "make sence". Ask yourself the following three questions while making a level. "Why would this room be here? Who would usually be around here, what traces could he have left? What happened?" The last thing is important for this kind of game. In screenshot 3 there is a bloodpool and a bludsmear like something has been dragged around there and then disappeared. What happened in this room. try to imagine something happening and then leaving the appropriate traces. If possible: try to use media that works well together (look and style)

other than that: reminds me a lot of my early work. Especially the image with the staircases

Keep it up


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
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Posted: 23rd May 2012 20:46
Thanks Wolf

I love beachbars. Ialso love summer time, because of the barely clothed girls

I understand your critics on the Screenshot's. I really don't have time to change it right now. but will work on it as soon as my exams are over

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 24th May 2012 09:10
Looking great! I cannot see the second picture, and thanks to Bugsy, I'm very interested in seeing what's going on with that... Other than the random blood smears that just lead to nothing/nowhere, it's looking quite good!

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Posted: 24th May 2012 19:27
Quote: "Looking great! I cannot see the second picture, and thanks to Bugsy, I'm very interested in seeing what's going on with that... Other than the random blood smears that just lead to nothing/nowhere, it's looking quite good!

I know what you are referring to. but the screenshot was of the old level 1 beta. I attached a screenshot with the effect that he means.

Its a state of mind.


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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 26th May 2012 02:32
Aww man, looks cool!

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