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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Solanum W.I.P

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2012 16:50 Edited at: 11th Jun 2012 12:09

The Zombie Killer

Special Thanks
Scene Commander
For V1.19

Doomster For His
Model Maker

s4real For Vishnu

Ched80 for Complete
Syntax List,Gunspec
And Flackspec List

Background Story
Diary Entries


Hannah Jamestone


It's been two years. Humanity discovered a virus that can resurrect the dead. Problem being, they would not be resurrected pure,
they would be resurrected as what some call "Zombies". They called this virus Solanum it is very dangerous because when one becomes
infected, they cannot be cured. The infected subject must be killed or the virus will spread all over the world.
We thought the US Government would take a step to prevent this from happening, but we were all wrong. The US Government has instead
captured the infected and taken blood samples to their laboratories. As far as I know, the US Government is trying to make Solanum
a drug for their soldiers to be strong and unbeatable, they soon found out that Solanum cannot be modified. Every soldier that was
injected with Solanum went from a normal person, to a savage beast. Their aggressiveness makes them unstoppable and stronger than
anything else known to man. After three days, an infected person is not the least bit human anymore but they are mutant. They kill
everyone they see and spread the virus all over the world, and there's nothing that can stop them...


Humanity is now in danger, the mutants and zombies are everywhere.Humans cannot cooperate together and that's made humanity fall apart. Two days ago, I found my father's research documents under bed. He wrote about a cure for the Solanum virus. I didn't believe it at first, but now I am just confused. Is there really any cure for Solanum?


After just thinking for around two days without rest and food, I've decided to leave home, taking all weapons and equipment
I can find. I feel so lonely since I am the only one who survived the Solanum infection in the entire town, I hope someone
will find me and take me with them. In the Afternoon I saw two trucks with some other survivors in them. I was too afraid to
go over to them, maybe they were bandits. One of them saw me and called me over to their truck. I thought they were all bandits,
but I was wrong. They are mercenaries who were paid to go to the US Government Science Laboratory to search for the Solanum blood sample.
The mercenaries' leader "Joseph Ally" said that he will take me to the safe zone. I think I should follow them. I want to find out more about this Solanum "cure" and nothing can stop me. I attempted to convince them that I am a useful asset for their survival and they all laughed.
Joseph said that girls are not suitable for dangerous missions, so they gave me a challenge. If I could shoot 10 targets in 20 seconds,they would
allow me to join them. So I accepted their challenge.


After I showed them I could do it, they allowed me to join them, with shocked looks on their faces. I was so happy that I could join them.


After two days in the van, we finally reached the US Government Science Laboratory. I was afraid to go in, but I still needed to
investigate about this Solanum "cure". Joseph and the others tried to set some C4 explosives. Suddenly I saw a small hole, it was
just small enough for me to fit inside. After I crawled in, I was shocked by the boom of an explosion and suddenly the main entrance collapsed.
Now I can't get back to the mercenaries. I must find out more about the Solanum cure before I find a way out. This is where my story begins...

Early Progress Of Doctor Eldiun Gary Level

Cut-Scenes(Using TZK Secret Script)
Play Hannah Jamestone,Doctor Eldiun Gary&Joseph Ally As Trilogy Characters.
Puzzle Gameplay.
Custom Music.
Regenerating Health System
Leg Model And Script(All Trilogy Characters)
More Will Come.....

(Work In Progress)
(Not Done)
Comments And Critics Are Welcome

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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Location: Heaven
Posted: 2nd Jun 2012 19:48
Looks great! Cant wait to see more.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2012 16:13
Quote: "Looks great! Cant wait to see more."

Thanks Nilloc.

New Updates

I just change another segment and redesign the level

Comments And Critics Are Welcome

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2012 20:18
Okay that segment change improves it alot in my opinion. Just wondering where did you get the wall segment?

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Posted: 4th Jun 2012 11:15
the lightning is very nice, especially on the first pic in the opening-post. go on, leon, cool. (segments look like one of doomsters pack, right?)


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Posted: 4th Jun 2012 17:30 Edited at: 4th Jun 2012 17:34
Quote: "Okay that segment change improves it alot in my opinion. Just wondering where did you get the wall segment?"

I retexture the texture of WW2 segment and if you play the demo,you will see zombies,segment,some models and weapons are all retexture.Thanks for comment Nilloc.

[quote]the lightning is very nice, especially on the first pic in the opening-post. go on, leon, cool. (segments look like one of doomsters pack, right?)[quote]

No,it's not lol.I retexture the texture of WW2 segment.Thanks for the nice comment maho.


Demo is now release.We hope you play it and give a some review

Comments And Critics
Are Welcome.

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 12:02
This looks great guys! I wish you all the best in the competition. Looks like the standard for this competition was really high!

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 12:09
Haha thanks. Most of the work was done by Leongamerz though, I mainly did some scripting and taught him how to offset the models for the older version of the player body script. Thanks for the compliment though!


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Posted: 5th Jun 2012 14:25 Edited at: 6th Jun 2012 12:23
Quote: "This looks great guys! I wish you all the best in the competition. Looks like the standard for this competition was really high!"

Thanks you for your compliment.

Quote: "Haha thanks. Most of the work was done by Leongamerz though, I mainly did some scripting and taught him how to offset the models for the older version of the player body script. Thanks for the compliment though!

But if TZK not help,maybe some awesome features for this game will gone.Although I do most work but TZK work is really appreciated,so we all need each other to stay strong .

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 6th Jun 2012 09:25
Quote: "but her work is really appreciated"

I really do hope that is a typo


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Posted: 11th Jun 2012 11:45

New Updates And New Titles For Our Project.We decided to rename it,so new named will call "Solanum".

Also Zombie Apocalypse that I retexture and some of them that I have retextured before.Also we will improve this game especially light quality and game-play quality.We will also try to developed this game as stable bit smooth as we can for old PC and mid PC.I have started design level 2 but it's still W.I.P,so we are not ready to show it.We just thinking to put some new and fun features someday but it will takes sometimes.Less talk,here's an updates.





That's all for today and have a good day.

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2012 07:39
WOW talent plus. I played it and really was in awe of the graphics and game play. It took me a while to figure out the wall remote to the door on the other end of the room, but I did get there. I kept trying to run up the pallet cause I thought it was a stair way.

It did make gameplay interesting. Your use of only needing a pistol and not too many bullets I liked.
Many thanks I learned a lot with this demo.

Life is a short trip to another world
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Posted: 17th Jun 2012 06:52
Looking great mate! You've come a long way from Legacy Warfare, which I absolutely loved!

Just remember, darkness doesn't always help.

Abdul Ahad

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2012 20:46
Played as a judge in the compo. My review~

Upon first opening this game I was excited to see something that is rare for FPSC developers who generally seem entirely devoid of any design-sense. I saw menus that matched the atmosphere of the screenshots. I was prepared for an enjoyable experience, and barring a few nit-picks and small issues I found, I recieved one.

I must not know this dev as well as I should, because Leongamerz showed a mastery of lighting and contrast and atmosphere and so many other important concepts. In fact, this game was actually a graphical masterpiece. Nice shaders, and generally acceptable levels. This is only one part of game design however, and the aesthetics aside, there were a number of faux pas.

First, it was too dark in most of the back hallways. This didn't make for a fun experience, and it didn't make it any more frightening, especially considering what was trying to frighten me was running into the wall next to me. The next issue I noticed was the fact that the level layout made less sense than fried kool-aid. I really couldn't tell if the level was supposed to be a bunker, due to the sturdy concrete architecture, a water treatment plant due to the pipes and state of general disrepair, or a hospital because of the x-rays. In reality random assortments of rooms like this don't exist. I would have been willing to suspend my disbelief if only the game had let me know before entering the level, what the level was.

the game was a bit short, but on my grandma's old computer the FPS was decent and the game maintained a consistent atmosphere. I hope to see this made into a full project!

over all- 70/100

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2012 05:45
Thanks for the review, as far as I'm aware, another reason the map was dark was because FPSC seems to run much better (up to 3x) with a dark map than a bright one. Due to an FPSC bug, you can actually turn up the brightness if you want with the < and > keys.
I do agree that the demo was quite short, I guess it's because it was a little rushed, Leon and I have been talking and much more is being planned, so yes, we are still working on it.
Thanks again for the review.


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Posted: 23rd Jun 2012 09:22 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2012 14:14

Quote: "WOW talent plus. I played it and really was in awe of the graphics and game play. It took me a while to figure out the wall remote to the door on the other end of the room, but I did get there. I kept trying to run up the pallet cause I thought it was a stair way.

It did make gameplay interesting. Your use of only needing a pistol and not too many bullets I liked.
Many thanks I learned a lot with this demo."

Thank you so much for your review,we really appreciate it.We are now trying improve gameplay and stability for now.

Quote: "Looking great mate! You've come a long way from Legacy Warfare, which I absolutely loved!

Just remember, darkness doesn't always help.

Abdul Ahad"

Hey Abdul Ahad long time no see man.Thanks for your comment critics.Gonna set ambience to 3-4 I think.

Quote: "Played as a judge in the compo. My review~

Upon first opening this game I was excited to see something that is rare for FPSC developers who generally seem entirely devoid of any design-sense. I saw menus that matched the atmosphere of the screenshots. I was prepared for an enjoyable experience, and barring a few nit-picks and small issues I found, I recieved one.

I must not know this dev as well as I should, because Leongamerz showed a mastery of lighting and contrast and atmosphere and so many other important concepts. In fact, this game was actually a graphical masterpiece. Nice shaders, and generally acceptable levels. This is only one part of game design however, and the aesthetics aside, there were a number of faux pas.

First, it was too dark in most of the back hallways. This didn't make for a fun experience, and it didn't make it any more frightening, especially considering what was trying to frighten me was running into the wall next to me. The next issue I noticed was the fact that the level layout made less sense than fried kool-aid. I really couldn't tell if the level was supposed to be a bunker, due to the sturdy concrete architecture, a water treatment plant due to the pipes and state of general disrepair, or a hospital because of the x-rays. In reality random assortments of rooms like this don't exist. I would have been willing to suspend my disbelief if only the game had let me know before entering the level, what the level was.

the game was a bit short, but on my grandma's old computer the FPS was decent and the game maintained a consistent atmosphere. I hope to see this made into a full project!

over all- 70/100"

Thanks Bugsy we appreciate it.Yeah the game was bit short because my PC is broke down and need to be fix about 1 months lol.The level that you play is old building but yeah,my idea is not logic lol.Thanks for your critics it's really help us.


New Level For Solanum(Big W.I.P)

New Texture Of Jaws.

That's all for today,gonna update more someday.

Irradic,Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude,SceneCommander,Dark Goblin And Lee Bamber is my icon.

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