if it isnt there, it isnt in.
to spawn-on you can simply use settarget=x,activatetarget=1.
there is no command to stop the spawning and restart it (would be cool, but isnt there). i got it once under special conditions, but scene commander sets the appearing of objects to full alpha in the first moment to get rid off the appear-invisible-error, so it doesnt work anymore in FOV.
if it helps (still usable when spawnpoint is out of sight):
in addition now with v119:
spawnsleft=x y (condition) returns true if spawnsleft=x and y=1 or returns true if spawnsleft<>x
and y=0.
spawnsgreater=x y (condition) returns true if spawns are greater than x and y=1 or returns true if
spawns are less than x and y=0.