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iOS and MacOS / inneractive advertisement question

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 02:40
This is a short little question, but where do I find the code that you use in the setinnerativedetails("")? Like where is it on the website (while you are logged in)? thank you in advance!

sov the game creator!
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 07:23 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2012 07:24
Quote: "


Sets your Inneractive account details to be used by CreateAdvert. Not all platforms support all ad providers so setting as many account details as possible will allow AppGameKit to select a suitable ad for this platform.

Inneractive is currently supported by iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac.


SetInneractiveDetails( szCode )

•szCode - Your account code provided by Inneractive.

When you launch AppGameKit there is a four square box as a third option with the text

Quote: "Getting Started Guide"

click that, then click Home, then click Commands and then Adverts... you then have access to both BASIC and C++ information...

Hope this helped...


But in regards to the online documentation I can not find it that easily myself...

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 11:20
Sovr, I believe you are talking about the actual 'Inneractive' details and not the AppGameKit Code, right? If so, once you have logged in to Inner-Active, you will be presented with 5 tabs, the third is 'Add App', if you haven't already done so, click this and add all your app details. Once the app has been added, go back to the 'Dashboard' tab and at the very bottom is a list of all you apps, the 'App ID' is what you need to put in SetInnerAtiveDetails(""). For example, it should look something like this MyCompanyName_AppName_Platform (iOS, Android etc)...

Hope that helps...
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 11:29
Good call Funnell7...

I have not used that advertisement gateway yet...

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 13:51
Both helped very much, but Funnell7's info is what I was wanting, thank you a lot

sov the game creator!
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2012 15:06
Happy to help...

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