I would like to say sorry for the double post but I have an explanation. I understand that I am new, and because of this I have restrictions. I have to wait for my message to be activated by the moderators. In the event that my previous post does appear, I would edit it and have to wait for the moderators to approve that, so the likely hood of someone seeing what I have to say is unlikely.
Anyways, my explanation to why this is happening:
I think it may be because I am trying to update from such a low end version, to a version quite far from the original, which means I may have missed some things. That is the only plausible out come I can imagine. The only reason I have obtained access to FPS Creator is because I recently bought this computer from a garage sale and it was installed.
Easiest Way I Can Perceive to Fix Problem:
When I open FPS Creator, it loads to the point in which it begins to load the MapEditor.exe and tells me it has failed because it can not find d3dx9_31.dll in my files. So if someone would be so kind to search that file on their computer, upload it for me, and tell me the Path to the designated folder, I am sure this would solve the problem.
File Name I Am Missing:
Again, I apologize for the double post.