Ok so I found this script in a Russian forum that can cumstom control your camera but I dont know how to work scripting. I used translate section (the plugin for google crome) to get the instructions down. But Since I am kinda new to this stuff I dont know if I am doing it right or wrong. Ill put on here the Script and instructions. Maybe you guys can tell me how its done. THANK YOU !!
Script tool facilitate you work on the camera settings for the components in real-time!
How does it work? Put a script or any component of the character in the MAIN, run the test and go into edit mode.
The selection commands. Using the key, set the exact position of the camera .. You will need to write down the values for each team on a piece of paper, and in the scripts with the cameras just to register. It's simple! Especially for this, and done.
- Edit the coordinates and angle of the camera in real time
- Ability to disable the setup mode and continue playing at the level
- Effect "trigonometric circle" on the team is responsible for the angle resolved. Maximum angle of 360 degrees of the circle (in this case 180 in a positive way to a negative + 180), ie your angle will not be 450, 1000, 10000, degrees, etc.
- Bug with bits numbers. In the negative angle of 180 degrees is recorded as 1180. In your script to the camera turned at an angle exactly 180 degrees, you did write (setcamrotx = -180, and not setcamrotx = -1 180 )
- fly level demonstration Although such a small functional script turned out pretty great. Full details inside the involucre: Show hidden text
Here is the script its self.
; Camera Entity Tool - Editor camera component
, Author: Nikita Koshelev (www.fpsc.forum24.ru)
; Date: 20.06.2012
; Requirements: Required patch 1.19 and higher.
; Script Version: 1.0
, Description: a script-based tool specifically written in order to facilitate your work to configure the coordinates for the camera component. , Office (default): ; Q, W - move the camera along the X coordinate relative to the component (setcamoffsetx) ; A, S - move the camera relative to the Y component (setcamoffsety ) ; Z, X - move the camera along the Z-axis relative to the component (setcamoffsetz) ; R - reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamoffsetx) ; F - reset to zero at the coordinate Y (setcamoffsety) ; V - reset to zero coordinate Z (setcamoffsetz) ; [ , ] - turn the camera to the coordinate X (setcamrotx) [and] ; ; , ' - turn the camera to the coordinate Y (setcamroty); and ' ; < , > - turn the camera to the coordinate Z (setcamrotz) <and> ; \ - reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamrotx) \ ; ENTER - reset to zero at the coordinate Y (setcamroty) ; SHIFT - reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamrotz) ; BACKSPACE - reset to zero all coordinates , 1 - enable \ disable ENTITY CAM EDIT TOOL ; 2 - enable \ disable "camerarotationon" (includes user settings camera rotation) \ (includes camera component) , 3 - enable \ disable the following character through WayPoint : State = 0: dimlocalvar = rx, dimlocalvar = ry, dimlocalvar = rz, setvar 0 = rx, setvar = ry 0, setvar = rz 0; SETOFFSET (x) (y) (z) : State = 0: dimlocalvar = ox, dimlocalvar = oy, dimlocalvar = oz, setvar = ox 0, setvar = 0y 0 , setvar = oz 0; SETCAMROT (x) (y) (z) : State = 0: dimlocalvar = wp, setvar = wp 0, dimlocalvar = wpstate, setvar = wpstate 0; WAYPOINT State : State = 0: dimlocalvar = cam, setvar = cam 0, dimlocalvar = camstate, setvar = camstate 0; CAMERAROTATIONON State : State = 0: dimlocalvar = camedit, setvar = camedit 0, dimlocalvar = cameditstate, setvar = cameditstate 0; ENTITYCAM State : State = 0: state = 1 ; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CAMERA ENTITY EDIT TOOL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ; = "1" - on \ off camera setting : varequal = cameditstate 0, varequal = camedit 0, keypressed = February 1: setvar = camedit 1, setvar = cameditstate 1 : varequal = cameditstate 1, keypressed = 2 0: setvar = cameditstate 2 : varequal = cameditstate 2, varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = February 1: setvar = camedit 0, setvar = cameditstate 3 : varequal = cameditstate 3, keypressed = 2 0: setvar = cameditstate 0 = "2" - off \ inc camera rotation of the component (if enabled, the camera rotates with the component) = : = varequal camedit 1, varequal = camstate 0, varequal = cam 0, keypressed = March 1: setvar = cam 1 , setvar = camstate 1 : varequal = camstate 1, keypressed = 3 0: setvar = camstate 2 : varequal = camedit 1, varequal = camstate 2, varequal = cam 1, keypressed = March 1: setvar = cam 0, setvar = camstate 3 : varequal = camstate 3, keypressed = 3 0: setvar = camstate 0 = "3" - start \ stop follow the waypoint = : varequal wpstate = 0, varequal = wp 0, keypressed = April 1: setvar = wp 1, setvar = wpstate 1 : varequal = wpstate 1, keypressed = 4 0: setvar = wpstate 2 : varequal = wpstate 2, varequal = wp 1, keypressed = April 1: setvar = wp 0, setvar = wpstate 3 : varequal = wpstate 3, keypressed = 4 0: setvar = wpstate 0 ; = setcamoffsetx = : = 1 State: hudreset, hudx = 30, hudy = 88, hudtext = SETCAMOFFSETX - - - - - - [1] - Entity = cam : State = 1: hudreset, hudx = 72.3, hudy = 88, hudtext = [1] Edit Mode 0: = hudshow 1off, hudunshow = 1on : varequal camedit = 1: hudshow = 1on, hudunshow = 1off ; = [2] - Entity Rotation = cam : State = 1: hudreset, hudx = 73, hudy = 91, hudtext = [ 2] CamRotation 0: = hudshow 2off, hudunshow = 2on : varequal cam = 1: = hudshow 2on, hudunshow = 2off ; = [3] - = WayPoint : State = 1: hudreset, hudx = 73.7, hudy = 94, hudtext = [3] Follow WayPoint 0: = hudshow 3off, hudunshow = 3on : varequal wp = 1: = hudshow 3on, hudunshow = 3off ; = minus, when the value is less than zero = : = varequal camedit 1, varless = ox 0,: hudshow = OX : OX = vargreater 0: hudunshow = OX : varequal camedit = 1, varless = oy 0: hudshow = Oy : vargreater Oy = 0: = Oy hudunshow : varequal camedit = 1, varless = oz 0: hudshow = oz : vargreater oz = 0: hudunshow = oz : varequal camedit = 1, varless = rx 0: hudshow = rx : vargreater rx = 0: hudunshow = rx : varequal camedit = 1, varless = ry 0: hudshow = ry : vargreater ry = 0: hudunshow = ry : = varequal camedit 1, varless = rz 0: hudshow = RZ : vargreater RZ = 0: hudunshow = RZ ; = Reset all coordinates to zero = : = varequal camedit 1, keypressed = January 14: setvar = ox 0, setvar = oy 0, setvar 0 = oz, setvar = rx 0, setvar = ry 0, setvar = rz 0 = Move camera = :: =% OX setcamoffsetx setcamoffsety :: =% Oy :: setcamoffsetz oz =% : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 17 1: addvar OX = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = January 16: subvar OX = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = January 19: setvar = ox 0 : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = January 31: addvar = oy 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = January 30: subvar Oy = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 33 1: setvar = oy 0 : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = 45 1: 0.25 oz addvar = : = varequal camedit 1, keypressed = 44 1: subvar = 0.25 oz : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 47 1: setvar = oz 0 = Rotate Camera = :: =% setcamrotx rx :: setcamroty =% ry :: setcamrotz% = RZ : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = January 27: addvar rx = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = January 26: subvar rx = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 43 1: setvar = rx 0 : vargreater = rx 180: setvar = rx -179 : -180 varless = rx: setvar = rx 180 : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = 40 1: addvar ry = 0.25 : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 39 1: subvar ry = 0.25 : = varequal camedit 1, keypressed = January 28: setvar = ry 0 : vargreater = ry 180: setvar = ry -179 : -180 varless = ry: setvar = ry 180 : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = 52 1: addvar = 0.25 RZ : varequal = camedit 1, keypressed = 51 1: subvar = 0.25 RZ : varequal camedit = 1, keypressed = 54 1: setvar = rz 0 : vargreater = rz 180: setvar = RZ -179 : -180 varless = RZ: setvar = RZ 180 ; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ENTITY SRIPT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ; = CAMERA EDIT = : = varequal camedit Camera 0: animate = 2, waypointstart : State = 1, waypointstate = 3, varnotequal = wp 0: animate = 2, waypointnext : State = 1, waypointstate = 4, varnotequal = wp 0: animate = 2, waypointrandom : State = 1, waypointstate = 5, varnotequal = wp 0: animate = 2, waypointreverse ; End of Script
I made it into a fpi and added into the script bank also And tryed to follow the directions and best as I could. According to my knowledge. Hopfully you guys can doit and show me how its done. Thanks guys.