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iOS and MacOS / PhysicsDamping is not working

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Posted: 12th Sep 2012 08:31
agk::SetSpritePhysicsDamping(104, 5); is not working in my simulator or either in my device. sprite 104 is an existing sprite, but this function doesnt damp any velocity. What should I do?

Subbir Rahman
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 17th Sep 2012 17:40
We would need to see more code than just the one line.

And, what do you mean when you say that the velocity isn't damped?

Using a value of 5 is pretty high.

For instance, are you using the SetSpritePhysics command on sprite 104 before you use the SetSpritePhysicsDamping? How are you applying motion to the sprite?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2012 12:17
Thanks for the response. I got it right now. I had 3collision sprite where i needed toe damp. It was within the do loop. It cant damp if another one is damping. I set a flag, and then it works.

Subbir Rahman
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2012 16:51
Glad to hear you have it working.

Happy Programming!

Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester

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