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Dark GDK .NET / Game Performance has dropped

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Joined: 18th Aug 2011
Posted: 22nd Sep 2012 00:55
I've been working on a space game for a while now. Recently the performance for the game has dropped to almost a crawl.

I'm going to go back and look at what new features I've implemented, but I was wondering (being new to game dev) what are some of the things I should try to avoid that could cause a performance drop?

I'm running 7 Different System.Timers, but I'm not sure if that is an issue or not. I've recently introduced about 3 of these timers.

I was also wondering if there was a way to see all of the 3D objects currently in memory while I'm debugging? Aside from the VS Watch window and looking them all up manually. I'm wondering if I'm not removing all of the 3D objects no longer needed.

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