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3 Dimensional Chat / Custom Gaming PC Skins

That Guy John
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2012 13:30 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2012 13:31
I'm a little stoked about ordering my new PC parts from Newegg!
I can't say that I'm waiting patiently, I feel like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas. Building a new PC because I am finally getting grips on modeling, texturing and even starting to get a little grip on xNormal. Problem being, I see that my current PC just isn't going to hack it.

While I am being all giddy waiting on my parts I decided to practice some on my texturing. I found some shots of the case I have coming, modeled it, not to perfection but it works for the purpose of making texture skins for it.

Toss some ideas my way, on popular PC games that I could make some case skins for. I have a few in mind I want to do but, what games would you like to see.

And I know how you guys operate, so please ALL comments, suggestions and critiques are welcome.

Here is the start of the first one.

[BlackLight : Retribution]

And Here Is A Penguin:
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AGK Backer
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Playing: FFVII
Posted: 3rd Oct 2012 16:16
Although they killed it, that MASS EFFECT thing looks funky...

The Elite or what ever version stuff...

umm... nice work so far... how are you scaling?

That Guy John
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Posted: 4th Oct 2012 01:14
Quote: "umm... nice work so far... how are you scaling?"

Scaling? You mean as far as modeling to proper real life size?
I didn't really bother but I will when I get ready to place it into an engine.

And Here Is A Penguin:
FPSC OneSource [DeskTop App] - Bringing everything together into one.
AGK Backer
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Playing: FFVII
Posted: 4th Oct 2012 03:50
ah sweet!, have you looked into a Mass Effect style yet?

That Guy John
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Posted: 4th Oct 2012 04:17
Gathering logos and other design elements from several games, including Mass Effect, COD, BF3.

I was trying to do screen capture videos while working on these but, this computer was freaking out. I can't wait for my parts to get here.

And Here Is A Penguin:
FPSC OneSource [DeskTop App] - Bringing everything together into one.

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